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Argentina: 'Dirty War' Corporal Testifies '4,000 Thrown into Sea Alive'

An Ex-corporal confirmed that the Campo de Mayo military base was used as a clandestine detention center for “counter-offensive” during the civil war.


Another horrific mark on our history. More on this below.


Robert Parry also wrote on this story back in 2013 which most American's know little about due to lack of media coverage.

Reagan and Argentina’s Dirty War


(Exclusive: The 87-year-old ex-Argentine dictator Jorge Videla died Friday in prison where he was serving sentences for grotesque human rights crimes in the 1970s and 1980s. But one of Videla’s key backers, the late President Ronald Reagan, continues to be honored by Americans, writes Robert Parry.

With such clandestine methods, the dictatorship could leave the families in doubt while deflecting international criticism by suggesting that the “disappeared” might have traveled to faraway lands to live in luxury, thus combining abject terror with clever propaganda and disinformation.

To pull off the trick, however, required collaborators in the U.S. news media who would defend the junta and heap ridicule on anyone who alleged that the thousands upon thousands of “disappeared” were actually being systematically murdered. One such ally was Ronald Reagan, who used his platform as a newspaper and radio commentator in the late 1970s to minimize the human rights crimes underway in Argentina and to counter the Carter administration’s human rights protests.)

So even before Reagan became president he was already spreading terror in the countries south of us. Then became part of the terror as he then began his own killing sprees in these southern countries in the 80's as our president.

Parry goes into a few aspects of how this was accomplished and effects in a book of his, Lost history. Below are some outlines of the book.

Lost History: CIA's Perception Management------ []

Lost History: Reagan-Bush Crime Syndicate------ []

Lost History: Project X, Drugs & Death Squads------[]

In the article (Reagan and Argentina’s Dirty War) you will find a familiar name, Elliott Abrams, under Baby Snatching. The very same Elliott Abrams who is now in the Trump administration. Ironic we now have this guy with a measure of power in our government basically targeting Iran and another Latin American country today, knowing what we know of his past, essentially using the same false narratives again. 2 very common traits on 2 countries he/they have not managed to get into yet.


If you can manage to get through that without becoming totally disgusted, then I might argue you have been conditioned well, or becoming well conditioned. Please send your kids off to serve in the wars he may manage to start. Or enlist yourself for their delusional reality and cause.

There's a pattern here on empire building that every American should be seeing. It's nothing short of patterns we know as a society in which we use for defensive measures. We eventually learn when we are being used by friends or family. We don't allow a known friend or member of our family that we catch stealing form us, lets say for an addiction, and keep letting it happen. We eventually have to draw a line and push the issue by forcefully getting help or separate them from our lives. This pattern has been going on since at least the 50's. What more will it take to separate ourselves from this know agenda that is based on a delusional reality killing us and our home, Earth.

We've had an up tick in membership recently. So I'd like to say welcome to the group and speak more about Robert Parry while on this matter or world politics. Robert Parry was a independent journalist who created the first independent internet news source in 1995, Consortium News. Actually, this Latin America issue from the 80's, in which was the beginning of an era where news media was vastly folding under pressure from our government and intelligence agencies to become fake news sources, lead to Robert Parry's journalistic departure from MSM news to start CN. I would suggest saving this site for your own benefit, it is a gold mine of information going back decades in the library. It is one of my most trusted news sites which you'll find I probably use articles from regularly. If something new comes out I always check this site for information first. I suggest you read about Robert Parry to get a sense of his integrity towards his work from his MEMORIAM found on the right of pages within the site. (below)

Robert Parry’s Legacy and the Future of Consortiumnews


William_Mary 8 June 2
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