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What The Hell Is Going On Here, Anyway?


{Much less fun, and much less egoically pleasing, is honoring the fact that one’s own ego is actually part of the problem, and setting to work unburdening the world of our own inner bullshit. But it’s so important, because it happens that you can’t effectively investigate what’s going on in the outer world when your eyes are clouded by your own inner illusions, and you can’t help the world when your own actions are being ruled by your own unconscious conditioning. If you don’t resolve the sources of your own suffering, your attempts to help the world are like a child covered in mud trying to help his mother clean the house; you’re just spreading your suffering around.}

I went through a series of replies with altschmerz on a post a while back where I explained to him my plight of advocating for Sanders from late 2015 through the primary of 2016 on facebook. I forget exactly what that post was about now, but it was on internet involvement, how it effects us to various degrees. This is about the same time Caitlin Johnstone began her endeavor into her journalist writing career, becoming spread out on the internet around 2016 or so. I understand her statement of ---

{Most of us prefer the outer stuff. It’s fun to make fun of shitlibs and war whores and expose the corruption and lies of our rulers for everyone to see. It gets us plenty of accolades on social media, which give us highly addictive neurochemical rewards. It’s egoically pleasing.}

---all to well. But with it comes all the negative lash back that one receives from those who suffer cognitive dissidence, party tribalism, in my case both establishment parties as I abhor them both and went after them both. Something I experienced again yesterday from a post in which some people just can't handle the truth, or themselves when it confronts their belief system. Or what they want or need to believe from conditioning of failure to { Much less fun, and much less egoically pleasing, is honoring the fact that one’s own ego is actually part of the problem, and setting to work unburdening the world of our own inner bullshit.}

{I’m not interested in recommending any particular path to inner investigation here, and you don’t need me to. Everyone’s journey to self-realization is different, and you already have what you need to guide you to all the necessary tools: your burning desire to be free from illusions and know the truth about what’s really going on. All you need to do is turn that burning desire to know what’s true onto your own inner processes, and you can be confident that you’ll discover the truth there in the same way you’ve discovered so much truth about what’s going on in the world. There are plenty of teachings, pointers and tips available online to show you how to do this. Your burning curiosity will guide you to the best ones for you.

There’s a lot of bullshit in this world, and it just so happens that we each own an acre of it over which we have total and complete control. Turn your attention toward eliminating your own acre of inner bullshit, and the world will be less one acre of bullshit. From there, your newfound clarity of vision will help you find and eliminate all the bullshit in the outer world as well.}

One of the first things to do, I found in that facebook period of time was to carefully pick who you chose to confront, essentially, spend time on. Or you often find yourself losing valuable time that could be spent getting the good word out on useless people that aren't ever going to accept the message. Wasting time in argument and allowing others to get under my skin fortunately left me by my early 20's through hopeless relationships. I managed to have some great moments with people on facebook who I was able to direct towards better knowledge, information, and reality. That was part of my addiction that still leads me to do this here within this group. My little, controlled, egoically self. I also experienced and understand the neurological sense she speaks about that comes with dozens in likes sometime reaching well over a hundred or 2 at times, with my post or comments to trolls or those obviously there to spread perception management. As sad as these people are, they also provided many opportunities to inject factual information into my replies which helped spread truth and better sources of information many people thanked me for. Essentially combating themselves in their endeavor to spread false information.

I've on occasions have mentioned the types of people that are unhappy with the direction of our country. Republicans, Democrats, Independents alike, of all age groups. I literally mean and underscore, alike. We aren't as different as the false narrative that is being perpetrated on us within the delusional reality we are engulfed in by the media. They simply keep us directed to the smaller sects of us that pose that illusion for them to use on us. This is the very thing we combat as a people to finally unite someday.

As an introvert who has a habit of sitting in places studying people off alone, and discussions within my inner circle and family I learned that at a fairly young age. I've always been quite different and seen the world in ways most do not. I've always openly questioned things most don't discuss, or like to, especially like racism,politics, and socialism from an early age. These 3 aspects of life especially have always been of great concern and bewilderment to me as I sought understanding.

William_Mary 8 July 28
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Fun read and rather up lifting. I'm not just a bobble head nodding in agreement - I live this. Thanks for posting.

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