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The New Yorker’s Partisan Attempt to Refute Its Claim of Partisan Disinformation on Biden and Ukraine

A leading New Yorker writer omits crucial facts to run interference for Joe Biden against serious allegations of corruption in Ukraine, writes Joe Lauria.


{But none of these facts are in Mayer’s story. In the face of the affidavit and Biden’s open admission on video, she still somehow calls these “baseless tales claiming that Biden corruptly intervened on behalf of his son’s Ukrainian business interests.”}

They want you to believe that Biden was upset that the prosecutor wasn't investigating the oil company his son, without any experience, fortunately found a seat in pulling in 50k a month, totaling roughly 580k when all was said and done. So he, Biden, bribed the president to get rid of this prosecutor to further an investigation. I ask, what then happened in that investigation? You might respond with, what investigation. Because it never happened, wasn't meant to happen, that was the actual intent. It was meant to end the investigation the previous prosecutor was conducting, that he wasn't being conducted.

This is what happens when a people vote out our corrupt puppet governments our government installs. Sometimes their new president attempts to clean house of his country's criminals and seeks help. And when this hits the world news cycle the ruling class find themselves knee deep in their own shit. Only Trump and Giuliani probably aren't the right people to turn to. Now Zelensky is being bribed by the Trump administration for wanting to conduct peace talks with Russia. Holding back funds and humanitarian aid disguised as information on this investigation. I'll argue if Zelensky releases this information it will never see the light of the world if the ruling class has their way. Only through alternative journalism will we be aware of the facts, MSM will not cover the facts. They haven't since 2014 as this quagmire unfolded.

{In a newly sworn affidavit prepared for a European court, Shokin testified that when he was fired in March 2016, he was told the reason was that Biden was unhappy about the Burisma investigation. “The truth is that I was forced out because I was leading a wide-ranging corruption probe into Burisma Holdings, a natural gas firm active in Ukraine and Joe Biden’s son, Hunter Biden, was a member of the Board of Directors,” Shokin testified.}

From The Hill article found with in this article.

{He threw a lifeline to intelligence officers and journalists like Mayer, who will continue to make the most of it even if it means turning their backs on their professional commitments.}

In other words. In collaboration with the establishment, another refreshing distraction had to be conducted to pull the public out of world events. Never give them time to allow them to be drawn from the delusional reality we created for them. So the tool, MSM, goes to work.

William_Mary 8 Oct 12
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This needs to be reduced to bullet points against BidenS bribery in 10 countries China Ukraine and how Hunter got free travel to those countries costing taxpayers double what TrumpOLINI children traveled


As I have mentioned occasionally, all our representatives have ties to Russian companies and politicians. It's not just a party or Trump issue. Lets not forget when Bill Clinton was president he and Yeltsin worked out a deal, involving funding to Yeltsin's campaign, that Putin was mentioned as a power coming in afterwards and viewed to be easily worked with. Which explains how Hillary would be welcomed into his circle. This is the very reason I hold a great deal of reserve to Russia being scapegoated as the enemy of our country. As I do with China. I strongly believe the deep state role of Russia in Syria was to suppress Assad more than to help. Not only on the war front but to control what information Assad could release about actions that took place as the war on terrorism began. Assad has a ton of dirt on the CIA and black opp sites that were ran there as the Iraq quagmire went on. Have no doubt about it, the deep state is a worldwide collaboration of all the ruling class.

You don't move a vast amount of your manufacturing to China to make an enemy out of them! While depleting your job sources and destroying your middle class!

In other words. As Dore exposes the conditioning our media uses against us, the establishment has created a catch 22 that can be used from cycle to cycle within the media to divide us as they teeter totter the criminal acts they are involved in. All along while they and the ruling class who own them greatly benefit in the wealth and power that come from it. While the vast majority of the public are caught in this rabbit hole of a delusional reality being forced on them by the MSM they are drawn from the reality of what is actually happening around the world. So when a distraction is needed they simply pull out a version to use as a facade to draw attention. The agenda is to keep us distracted so we never have time to actually seek real facts. And when the few like you and I present them, we are faced with establishment rhetoric because all they know are what MSM condition them to know. Evidence? All one needs to do is relate how each side always ends up with their hands in the pot. Neither being left out without benefiting. This can only = collaboration. As Dore exposes in both Russiagate and Ukrainegate aspects, you'll find this goes back decades from at least the Reagan era.

The Warren scene greatly reminded me of Gabbard when the guy asked about the DNC rigged primary at a town hall meeting. The deer in headlights look with awkward smile, tongue tied, then the woman from the DNC coming up to take the mic away.

The only thing left to expose for us who are awake is who the fuck is writing the script for these actors in DC. It's all show!

@William_Mary what matters is saving lives saving polar ice saving pure water clean air organic food protecting people from rapist cult religions

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