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What’s to Come in the Banquet for Billionaires, Also Known as 2020 Democratic Primary?


{Democratic Party donors are devising their Plan A, Plan B, and Plan C strategies to prevent a Sanders or Warren nomination. Plan A is to flood the race with so many candidates that the vote goes to a second round at the Democratic National Convention. The plethora of billionaires or servants to billionaires currently in the race gives the Super Delegates plenty of friendly candidates to choose from should they get the chance in a second ballot.}

It means nothing to these billionaires to throw the amount of the entire years wages of the members of this group combined, and much more, into this fake display of democracy to ensure the outcome the DNC desires. The next president, no matter who it is, will make sure they make it back. Even if it's Warren or Sanders, or both. They will comply, have no doubt.

{Plan C, of course, is Elizabeth Warren. Warren was always a gamble for the ruling class. While she can be trusted to remain a “player in the game,” Wall Street never wanted a politician willing to publicly defile its brand.}

I highly have doubts she'll make it to the general. Quite frankly, she's to clumsy. She isn't well spoken at times getting easily tongue tied, the dear eyed in lights freeze, when strongly confronted with tough questions or questioned about issues she doesn't want to address. She's not the woman the male dominant elite of the world are going to allow to sit in the white house. Without Clinton that time may have passed for quite some time for the establishment and the women of our country who have such a strong desire for. I don't mean to piss anyone off! But the fact of the matter is simple if you understand the nature. The European power structure of the political world is and will remain under control of men until they say it can go to a female when it comes to the US. We are after all being used to keep that from being exposed. All things lead back to the Little City of London and the centuries of that power structure.

Other notes. The strongest possible republican corporatist candidate to Trump, John Kasich, who was our governor in Ohio, was quite frankly quickly removed from the process in 2016 and seems to refuse to want another try, is a sure measure that the status quo is ecstatic with the results Trump has brought them. I was sure his move to Ohio and then made our governor was a path to his presidency. He made it even through a ton of shit dirt against him. Left us with a scandal within charter and online schools issues, more factory job losses. A corporatist love affair. Speaks volumes. Only if Trump is bored and wore out from the job will he step down. Yes, step down. His reward? He probably will never have to file for another bailout or file bankruptcy again in his life time. If he does it will only be for the entertainment of doing so.

William_Mary 8 Nov 23
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Wasn't that why the Democrats are Crooks like Catherine Pugh flood the runner-ups with Democrats to divide the vote Hillary Clinton and Benghazi Obama and all the crimes he's done a Democrat is just basically a crook they seek to control the house and they seek to control Our Lives look how they control the media CNN ABC NBC all positive in Democrats View we're Fox shows it like it is Witch Hunt just the fact that the Democrats even before Trump was President they had some kind of conspiracy to impeach for they had mentioned they were going to impeach him even before he assumed office another reason why the Democrats are crooked it's not about religion because basically religion is Republican and Democrat just another belief system Trump isn't either one he's a philanthropist so politics isn't even in his nature he just wants to do the right thing anybody that would vote for Bernie Sanders is a absolute complete moron that guy's a hypocrite and a socialist neither should be in office too old and too stupid

Drew69 Level 7 Dec 2, 2019

Priceless? Is when someone comes into this group with the labels skeptic and freethinker on their profile and go on to completely abandon both in their comments, as they attempt to poorly deliver their opinion.

I'm not by any means a grammar enforcement type of person, I have my own issues within that arena in which I'm amused by being addressed on, seeing others addressed on it, but when it comes to that above it's hard to comprehend what the message is.

But lets address what I can comprehend. You're obviously good at noticing all the bad issues with democrats while ignoring the same issues with republicans. Maybe you were living under a rock when Obama was being sworn in while the top republicans were in the Capital devising their own plan to block everything he would attempt to do to make him a one term president.

You seemingly missed the 2016 republican primary and their facade of 27 candidates which lead by the main stream media propelled Trump to the front within billions of free air time, lead by your dear Fox news, for Clinton and the DNC. In which that combination alone should give you good cause to question both parties and candidates. Which is one of the agendas of this group, dissent against both corrupt parties.

As you go on to bash Sanders who was the most legitimate candidate one could possibly see at the time. Seriously!?!

How is it people like you can see when one side is corrupt but miss when the side you support are the same in mirror fashion, often, obviously, in collaboration with each other? Giving you no right by any means to be throwing the word hypocrite around!

Socialism is a bad thing when we want it to work more towards society rather than as a welfare check to corporations and bankers depleting our treasury and social programs!?!


They have obviously not learned anything from the last election. Sure win for Donald if they don’t endorse Bernie.

Jolanta Level 9 Nov 25, 2019

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