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Fear of a Major Mideast War

Fears of a major war in the Middle East exploded Thursday night with the U.S. assassination of arguably the second most powerful man in Iran.


Completely out of control.

William_Mary 8 Jan 3
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What the rest of world and ALL members of both parties here in America must do is just say NO. No more madness. This just fucking insane!!


Why does America believe that it has the right to assassinate anyone in the world? This was a deliberate act of war. Undeclared war and so illegal under Geneva convention. America considers itself above all United Nations rulings. It is a shameless country that the world would be better without.

@Bobby9 Terrorist or freedom fighter or rebel or fighting for justice? How many innocent lives have been lost due to direct or covert actions by the USA? Why does the USA think that it has the right to do whatever it wants? It is the schoolboy bully of the world.
By your thinking virtually all of your top people should be killed for being responsible for the deaths of millions.

@Bobby9 He was actually the #1 threat and fighter towards ISIS.

@Piece2YourPuzzle Sometimes the US pairs with ISIS though usually it fights it. The key thing is to fight. But yes it was odd to kill someone who is rather useful to your cause. Does Trumpy have any idea what is happening anywhere? Does he understand anything?
Modern warfare always involves the killing of innocents. They are treated as expendable, unfortunate side effects. Being originally English I have to share guilt as the first deliberate killing of civilians was by the British in the First World War.
But I fear you and I are not reading the same prayer book.

@rogerbenham Oh I know all about the U.S. taking measures that counter their own stated goals in defeating terrorists, as well as other things. It's no surprise that Trump killed a man that was fighting ISIS. The U.S. wouldn't have a rogue boogeyman to trot out every time they want to invade another resource rich nation for geopolitical or economic reasons. The U.S. has also opposed Russia and Syria for actually fighting ISIS. ISIS taking over Syria would have benefited the U.S. It's also no surprise that they are against Russian and Syrian (including China) ally Iran. What I said to Bobby wasn't supporting the U.S.

@Bobby9 What does that have to do with what I said? Iran funds Hezbollah and the U.S. propped up numerous terrorist organizations. Israel funds Hamas. Other nations that you might think are the "good guys" have funded terrorism etc. What's your point? The U.S. says they want to fight ISIS, but everything they seem to do negates that.

@Bobby9 Sorry, meant to say Iran funds Hamas. Israel definitely helped to create Hamas though. Sure the U.S. does nothing to negate ISIS's demise lol



So the U.S. didn't want ISIS to overthrow Assad who was fighting ISIS in Syria? They just killed a Shia Iran general that was responsible for destroying parts of ISIS in his region. The U.S. abandoned the Kurds...who were fighting ISIS...and now it's reported because of that that ISIS is regrouping in the area of Syria. The U.S. didn't fund and align with Al Qaeda back in the day? The U.S. didn't cause mass unemployment in Sunni areas of Iraq that turned them into extremists? I mean I can go on and on, but I'm guessing you don't care one bit.

The only one wrong here is you.









And here is ISIS rejoicing over killing Soleimani:



You can also ignore Israeli insiders and officials when they admit to helping create Hamas all you want.

Maybe you should read something sometime. My ability to rationalize is just fine. How's yours? Lol

@Piece2YourPuzzle Excellent work!

@Bobby9 So if Israel gradually eliminates Palestine that is OK. If Palestine resist that is terrorism. I understand. It is just a logic I was having difficulty with.


It was just a matter of time.


If Iran needs another military genius, America can send them one.

yvilletom Level 8 Jan 3, 2020
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