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The response of the ruling elite to the coronavirus pandemic: Malign neglect


{There is no doubt that at least some members of the ruling class see coronavirus fatalities as desirable. British Telegraph columnist Jeremy Warner stated openly what is being discussed within ruling circles when he wrote, β€œthe COVID-19 might even prove mildly beneficial in the long term by disproportionately culling elderly dependents.”}

I'll just leave that right there where it lays.

{Trump announced no additional measures to stop the spread of the disease or expand treatment for the ill. Rather, he announced that virtually the entire government response would be turned over to the private corporations.}

As with that. Because by god we are in good hands 😟

{Trump said the website to coordinate and requesting testing would be designed and operated by a for-profit company, Google. Google later clarified that no such website existed.

Trump made clear that the pandemic is a profit opportunity for the corporate executives standing with him, who were paraded around as if they were national heroes.}

What's worse than ludicrous?

{Wall Street got the message. In the half-hour between when Trump started speaking and the close of the markets, the Dow Jones Industrial Average shot up by about 1,400 points, in the largest daily stock market run-up in history.}

And there's our glorious answer to a nightmare civil health issue and a growing economic bubble. I'm glad I don't have to be around to many people within my job duties. Now if Mary can make it past the next few days as she's setting up to work from home we might make it out of this alive.

{The main fear of the ruling class is not the devastating health consequences of the coronavirus, but the growth of social protests, to which they will respond with violence and repression.}

Well, they'll kill you as you protest as you spread it around protesting. It's a win win for the ruling class. For fucks sake I feel for those in the healthcare industry!

William_Mary 8 Mar 14
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And what was not mentioned, or thought of, is it will also cull many businesses and continues doing a pretty good job with world markets.

JackPedigo Level 9 Mar 16, 2020

I agree that press conference was sickening.

Donna_I Level 8 Mar 14, 2020

WOW! The culling of the herd has been voiced. No surprise some would think this way. Humanity continues to not disappoint in the category of mean and evil.


A lot of the top elite are elderly. Some of them are likely to die.

They have better healthcare and can afford to pay others to do that which would draw them out into society in all aspects. They aren't going to be forced to go to work. They have a higher probability of avoiding this than any normal citizen, I would think?

@William_Mary Maybe but that implies that they never get flu. I bet they do. The servant catches it. Unknowingly passes it upwards. Our PM's wife has got it.

@rogerbenham but she probably does a ton of social activities with her position in society. I'll argue that the ruling class don't give a rats ass about the politicians they own either.

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