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The end of Sanders’ campaign deepens crisis in Democratic Socialists of America


{But Sanders has slunk out of the fight for the nomination in a manner that invites contempt. There was nothing of an old fighter’s last hurrah. The aged senator did not even offer his supporters a last harrumph. Rather, he meekly accepted the verdict of the Democratic Party machine and sang the praises of his “old friend” Joe Biden. And so, Sanders’ political revolution ended not with a final roar of defiance but with a whimper of unctuous flattery.}

You have to feel for people who just seem to be unable to receive enough abusive political masochism. Like those currently in the process of believing that Sanders is now going to be able to move Biden to the left any. I guess Sanders mind, and his supporters, are as bad as Joe's. Not only erasing 8 years of his time in the Obama administration, but just the recent debates where Joe and him were so NOT close on speak on so many aspects. Like Trump supporters, they just can't recognize when they're being hit with a total sense of betrayal.

You know how I shut up Trump supporters when I'm discussing politics. I inform them or remind them I was a Sanders supporter in 2016. Right after they tell me how he supported Clinton, I tell them that's why I don't support him now and speak out about it. Then I ask them what their excuse is for still supporting someone that's been pissing on them since the night he won. With a few reminders of his promises and appointed cronies they tend to get quiet or turn it to tribal politics. Then it's an argument over 3rd parties can't win. To date it's against the law to beat the idea that if you support them they can win. Perception management is a bitch to our society! So few can fathom that reality. So generations to come will pay the ultimate price for our lack of foresight and cowardlinesses.

{“We shouldn’t allow ourselves to draw too simple of a conclusion that the institution of the Democratic Party was too smart for us or too strong for us,” argued Day. To those who are upset over Sanders’ defeat, Day suggested, “work on some electoral campaign or something like that.”}

I guess admitting it's rigged against you is out of the question. How much evidence does it take for people to understand this!?! It's been slapping us upside the head ever so hardly since 2016. And every thing from Wikileaks to the Mueller investigation has been pointing that out. All one had to do was look at the whole picture to see the bread crumbs were leading us into a manufactured perception away from the truth. The DNC law suit can't spell it out any more loudly for us!

{These statements are desperate attempts to resuscitate the illusion that the Democratic Party can still be reformed from within. If Sanders merely suffered from “bad luck” in 2016 and 2020, why not try again in 2024? And what about the past century of failed efforts at reforming the Democratic Party? According to the DSA, everyone from William Jennings Bryan to Jesse Jackson apparently suffered from just a bad roll of the dice.}

There's only one party! The corporate party. The DSA is an arm of the democrat party with the same agenda as Sanders. Pull in as many socialist minded supporters as we can and trap them in a failed system.

{More than any past event, the efforts of the DSA and Jacobin to justify remaining in the Democratic Party were aimed at counteracting the growing influence of the World Socialist Web Site and Socialist Equality Party, whose criticism of and opposition to the Sanders’ campaign are well known to DSA members.}

ding ding ding distract from those who have your real interest at heart. DSA didn't become widely known until 2016. Why? Because when Sanders lit the fucking country up with his bid against Clinton the establishment had no clue how many of us were waiting in the background for someone we could support. They thought Sanders would go down and out quickly under a backlash of communist fear. Only we didn't realize Sanders was in on the scheme. So they had to also pull in the DSA when they realized they had to significantly rig the elections to giant proportions.

{Leon Trotsky wrote in 1935:

Reformists and centrists readily seize upon every occasion to point a finger at our ‘sectarianism’; and most of the time, they have in mind not our weak but our strong side: our serious attitude toward theory; our effort to plumb every political situation to the bottom, and to advance clear-cut slogans; our hostility to ‘easy’ and ‘comfortable’ decisions which deliver from cares today, but prepare a catastrophe on the morrow. Coming from opportunists, the accusation of sectarianism is most often a compliment.}

{Genuine socialism is based on the struggle to develop a movement of the working class that is organizationally outside of and consciously hostile to all political parties of the capitalist class. Only in this way is the working class capable of realizing and unleashing its social power.}

William_Mary 8 Apr 11
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Fat chance in hell Biden or the Dems will move left. They weren't going to move left in 2016 and they're not going to do it now. Trump is moving more left right now then they are. He's talking about freezing student debt and implementing some form of M4A at least for a short time. Biden is still refusing to adopt a M4A platform even in the midst of what could be the worst pandemic we've had in our lifetimes. Bernie is either complicit in the system or extremely naive. I don't think he's that naive or stupid, so. He's had on kid gloves since 2015 and he never took them off. Opponents need a few good punches in the face.........or a million. He refused. He even calls Biden a good man and his friend. Neither party will ever be changed from within. AOC is a fraud too.


Yes to your last bracketed paragraph.

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