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I have tried the gradual approach to being a full time vegetarian, but I'm at a stand still. I'm going to try the "cold turkey" method and see where it takes me. Does anyone have any thoughts on that. I like to be a Vegan some day. It was easier to quit religion than eating meat.

freedom41 9 Jan 30
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Maybe visit a nutritionist several times and create your eating schedule and grocery lists. It might be really helpful in determining what your body really needs and what you have to eat to maintain its health. You can also check the FCN-SHOP out. They’ve got some cool nutrition options for people with different needs. The portions are already well balanced, and you will not have to bother with that. You can choose different options, including weight loss, stress relief, and muscle building. Each option includes the microelements your body needs the most.

Cienapotr Level 1 July 25, 2022

Thanks for all of your advice here. I also want to become at least a vegetarian and need to do some planning before starting

Lenotmve Level 2 July 25, 2022

When hiking, travelers always take food with them. Food on a hike is one of the most important things because the tourist can not last long on the food on the ground, and stores in the mountains or forests are usually not provided. So it is better to take care of your diet beforehand, but at the same time, take food that will not take up half of your backpack and be sufficiently nutritious for an adult. In addition, you'll need a gadget on which to cook it all. I suggest you get a [] . It's lightweight and will come in handy for cooking.


My journey is that I’m intolerant to eggs and dairy and advised not to eat pork and processed meat due to cancer in family history.
Avoiding those I’m vegan but ensure I get protein through nuts, seeds and iron.
If my nails look pale the iron supplements come out.
Also I use vinegar and avoid tea and tannins on the whole.
Mushrooms are my friends, I eat whenever they’re around.
Like a Buddhist, I will eat leftovers rather than wasting them though. Sometimes I really crave steak, maybe twice a year, and next time intend to be kind to myself.


Make sure you get folic acid from somewhere...

racocn8 Level 9 Jan 30, 2022

When I and my former partner became vegetarian we went slowly. First got rid of red meat and over about a year removed the rest. One has to have substitutes and it takes a while. However, in today's world there are tons of replacement foods from plant based milks, cheeses and of course meat. One thing I like is called Tempeh, which is said to be one of the world's oldest processed foods. One thing about Tempeh most is made from soybean sprouts but there are other kinds from other sprouting vegetables. TVP is another great item. It makes a great Sloppy Joe's.

JackPedigo Level 9 Jan 30, 2022

Owh yummy tempeh! Yes, TVP great for Italian style recipes too.

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Posted by jjbelleAt the Demver airport. The Grilled Cheese option is the slightest of nods to the obligation to provide an option. The Caprese is a nod and a point.

Posted by jjbelleAt the Demver airport. The Grilled Cheese option is the slightest of nods to the obligation to provide an option. The Caprese is a nod and a point.

Posted by jjbelleAt the Demver airport. The Grilled Cheese option is the slightest of nods to the obligation to provide an option. The Caprese is a nod and a point.

Posted by devayogaMy vegetable garden

Posted by WildgreensBeing A Vegan

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Posted by JackPedigoA new company (seafood) in the plant based ‘meat’ options, which includes types of fish.

Posted by BDairWhy was there never a word about healthy diets and essential vitamins and nutrients? Liquor stores and 'big box' stores never closed. This was never about public health.

Posted by WildgreensMy new group is called covid cult. The information MSM doesn’t want you to know.

Posted by BDairBrilliant tip.

Posted by WildgreensFDA Safety Surveillance

Posted by WildgreensI knew this was going to happen.

Posted by WildgreensIf the pandemic is ONLY happening to the unvaccinated, then what are you worried about?

Posted by WildgreensIf the pandemic is ONLY happening to the unvaccinated, then what are you worried about?

Posted by WildgreensIf the pandemic is ONLY happening to the unvaccinated, then what are you worried about?

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