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Do you think atheists are more likely to be vegan?

JazznBlues 8 June 14
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I think theists are more likely to conform to biblical law, and will more likelihood follow the dogma of carnism. I think this means vegans are more likely to reject this kind of dogma and thus are more likely to be atheists. Not all vegetarians and vegans are atheists though, and I think the ones that aren't at least reject orthodox biblical teachings.


I don't know how true this is, but my experience backs it up. I was told many years ago that those that partake of a carnivorous diet are more likely to become alcoholics than those with a vegetarian preference. I think the suggestion identified red meat particularly. I've not done the research to back up the claim. Just wondered if anyone here knew.

Geoffrey51 Level 8 June 19, 2018

Yes. Based on a sample of people in my social network with whom I discuss theism/atheism, %40 meat eating atheists, % 95 meat eating theists. I actually wanted to ask Matt Dillahunty, on his Magic and Scepticism tour, a similar question until someone mentioned vegangains. Lol

Toas Level 2 June 17, 2018

I feel like yes, given we don't have a creationist story saying animals were created for us to eat, or anything. There's these. The superior/inferior one is one of my favourites, but more says both apply to one person, not that they reached one conclusion because of the other.

Aerihk Level 5 June 15, 2018

Well said! Loved it!


It seems like for those who are both, there is a correlation, and those people often feel like the two are related within them, but for those who are NOT both, they don't get it so there isn't! 😀 kinda funny


I became vegetarian before I left religion. However, it is possible that once one steps out of one box they are more apt to step out of others.

JackPedigo Level 9 June 14, 2018

I imagine there is a large Buddhist vegan community.

EdEarl Level 8 June 14, 2018

Yes. I went to lunch with my brother at a Buddhist inspired vegan restaurant. I asked about how spicy one of the spicy dishes was. The owner/server said that it’s rather mild; they are Buddhists so they won’t hurt anyone. LOL.

True. Im Buddhist. I don't think the Shinos or Jans eat meat either. When I was a baby Buddhist and learning about sentience of all creatures , it was a natural change. Also, learning how to identify when i was operating from Ego, instead of love, helped me not justify my 'desire' to feast in flesh 'because God made it for me to kill and consume. ' But, I have known Buddhists that do eat meat.

@FreeBird713 Some Buddhists even war.

@EdEarl Indeed. Militants come from all walks of life. Sad but true.


I don’t think so. Most of my friends are atheists but none of them is vegan. At best some are “mostly vegetarian”.

graceylou Level 8 June 14, 2018

@RobLawrence LOL I’m a bit of a grammar snob. I try to be a little less rigid sometimes though.


I don't think there is any correlation.


It makes sense to me that that would be the case, since rational/critical thinking brings one to both conclusions. However, that is not the reality, at least in my experience and i have been vegan for 30 years.

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