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When I went vegan mentally the hardest thing for this NY pizza snob to give up was pizza! The idea may have delayed my transition to veganism. All the stumbling blocks were mental, even if I could only see that in retrospect. Being vegan is healthier and becomes more and more delicious as you get better at it and learn to adjust your thinking as much as the recipes. Now I just tell the Pizzeria to leave the cheese off and load it with veggies, was that so hard? Delicious🙂

ArdentAtheist 8 June 20
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I honestly love pizza more like this than I realized I would haha. Also, when traveling I find it pretty easy to find a pizza joint with vegan friendly dough and ask to leave off the cheese. Makes eating with other people and social gatherings in general much more enjoyable. 🙂 I've also gotten into vegan cheese making lately and that has been a lot of fun. I still treat it as a treat though and don't rely on it too heavily.


Had homemade pizza last night and was thinking "I thought I liked pizza before, but honestly that was nothing". Pizza Pizza has an amazing dairy free cheese, I was rolling around in happy feels the first time I had it, it was so good. My favourite uses sweet thai chili sauce instead of tomato sauce, carmelized/red onions, pineapple, black olives, and I use veggie chorizo when I do it at home. Was pretty addicted to the Pizza Pizza cheese, but turns out even the Daiya shredded cheese is good when doing homemade.

Aerihk Level 5 June 20, 2018

I've got a friend who recently tried a vegan pizza made with a cauliflower base. He said it was "OK".

I love cauliflower as a toping but as a crust I don’t see a need because the crust is vegan anyway, Must be for the gluten-free folks? That said, I would be happy to have a slice with a lovely glass of wine🙂


I have always disliked pizza. When I took the carcass out of the ingredients all of a sudden it has become a favorite for the last 30 years. Light on the cheese & it is even better.

Mooolah Level 8 June 20, 2018
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