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‪As a #vegan I have been fascinated by cauliflower buffalo wings so I did them up tonight... delicious, even found vegan ranch dressing🙂 it’s getting easier to be vegan all the time. ‬

ArdentAtheist 8 Sep 3
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They look amazing.

Melind Level 6 Sep 5, 2018

I felt stuffed, I over did it.... then I remembered it’s just cauliflower🙂

Had the leftovers for lunch, was good but better heated up.


Looks amazing. Now this I can make ?

sellinger Level 7 Sep 4, 2018

OK- Gotta try these. My kind of recipe too-simple.

EricJones Level 8 Sep 4, 2018

People always think going vegan means going hungry. I have found it means more food possibilities we didn't know about. It also means being creative.


I'd ask for the recipe but who am I kidding? It's just canned beans and saltines for me

Lol... actually this is easy... Cut the Cauliflower into chicken wing size pieces, make a batter from flour and almond milk and add a teaspoon of Tumerick salt and pepper ... 425° for 25 minutes turning halfway through. The ranch dressing and buffalo sauce are vegan off-the-shelf at the supermarket. And I also did mushrooms, I think you could see one at the edge of the picture. You can do it!

@ArdentAtheist thx for the recipe pal


Very good!

CaroleKay Level 8 Sep 3, 2018

Good job!


They are awesome!

GreatNani Level 8 Sep 3, 2018
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