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I don’t know if I want to start a group but I would like a vegan group seperate from vegetarian. I don’t make any distinction between eating meat and eating animal products. I became vegetarian for health reasons and it did help but I was still having some debilitating migraine headaches and I didn’t get any true relief until I went vegan because when you eat an egg you are eating animal, be it an egg, milk or even gelatin it is still a trigger... I’m not anti vegetarian, you are doing more than most and should be applauded for any effort... But when I click on a link for a delicious looking recipe I want it to be one that I can actually eat, would just sort of like my own space. Are there any other vegans out there that would like a separate group that is full vegan?

ArdentAtheist 8 Sep 22
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I think most vegetarians support the vegans. I was vegetarian but blood tests showed that I must adopt more of a vegan lifestyle. Except for honey I have done so.

JackPedigo Level 9 Sep 22, 2018

There is already a vegan group and I’m in that one also.

graceylou Level 8 Sep 22, 2018

Em i dunno you might be watering down an already small group im not vegan not even fully vegetarian yet but i am trying the more we break up into groups the less likely you are helping people on their journey there is currently 163 in this group most i reckon are vegetarian with hopes of going vegan the easier it appears the more you are helping surely

wellthen Level 4 Sep 22, 2018

I agree, no new group. In my opinion vegetarian and vegan are entirely different things but I can except that it’s the beginning of the path☯️

@ArdentAtheist well yes as you said you started on the path for health reasons had your health not been an issue would you be a vegan? i dislike the intensive farming model but struggle with things like honey,y dad had hives and in no way kileed or harmed the bees quite the reverse, eggs i kept chickens and ducks for years no rooster so all were infertile but again factory eggs nah its no life for the chickens in that scenario

@wellthen I don’t know what path I would have taken had I not had severe pain? I might not have become vegan or I could have found other reasons to try it? it’s hard to know how things would be different if things were different?... but I like my path, it’s the only one I know. I do embrace all the reasons to be vegan. I have a vegan cousin who never pushed her lifestyle but who’s life was an inspiring example. She owns a vegan bakery and it’s all delicious. If I were still eating meat I would feel guilty and that could have been my catalyst?


I want to make more of an effort to learn how to cook vegan and where to find more vegan food, Right now I exist on salad. There is no reason we can't have a vegan group but it is okay to just stay here too. It really doesn't matter to me. But it would be helpful if you could share more vegan recipes. You have a point about the headaches. I have headaches daily to the point I'm calling them my friend. I'm having an MRI on my brain next week to rule out brain cancer. Maybe it's just my vegetarian diet. I've cut out almost everything animal in the last few weeks after being vegetarian most of my life. My doctor suggested I stop eating cheese and deep fried food and it made me think, how can I stop eating some animal products? I have vegan cookbooks but do not use them exclusively. I want to learn.

I had debilitating migraine headaches for over 30 years and went to every kind of doctor and took every kind of drug… The neurologist had me on so many medications that I couldn’t even keep track. I had to become my own doctor but it wasn’t just going vegan… I learned meditation and work to incorporating it into my life. First I stopped eating fast food, then I went vegetarian, then I went vegan… It was a process, I don’t expect anybody to snap their fingers and become vegan overnight... I’ve been vegan for a few years and I have my ways in the kitchen… Always delicious and I’m never hungry... I have shared many of those recipes in this group. I don’t really think I want to start a group? My plates a little full, LOL ... I think the wise thing to do is to follow your doctor’s instructions while doing research and pursuing other avenues… I am definitely a great believer in medical science, it just so happens that in this case it wasn’t helping me.

@ArdentAtheist I think you've helped just by posting pictures of your food. It encourages me. I'm not alone. I don't live alone but everybody else in the house could go for a big juicy burger. YUCK! I eat alone almost all the time except on Sunday when mom comes over.



Vegetarians simply don't get it. That is an advantage of a Vegetarian group, to educate people.

Personally, I would choose to enjoy a Vegan group, with people committed to a cruelty-free life that is good for one's health, the planet, and the animals.

Dairy cows have horrible lives, very short, pumped full of hormones and antibiotics.
They are forcefully impregnated, and the calves are slaughtered.

People who drink milk or eat cheese are eating or drinking food that is high in cholesterol and LDL lipids.

Most of them are unaware of the suffering of animals that are exploited for their dairy, their skins turned into clothing, their waste products, rather than becoming fertilizer as in nature, because of it being in one place, becomes a toxic waste dump.

This big aggie industry, which includes dairy is the primary cause of climate change. Just end all factory farming, and we'd solve the existential problem, galloping towards us, which will disrupt organized society.

Bob4Health Level 5 Sep 22, 2018

One of the biggest obstacles to veganism is that it attracts preachy,self-righteous, patronising know-alls who think they are, or know, better than everyone else. People often decline to go full-vegan for a variety of, and often very good, reasons. You should tone it down a notch because you are not helping anyone by assuming your differences with them stem only from their ignorance.


Would non-vegans be welcome as long as they don't post non-vegan recipes?

dkp93 Level 8 Sep 22, 2018

Naturally all are always welcome, even if they’re having steak for dinner... Just not to have to sift through posts to find out the ones that apply to me could be usfull and make it a tad nicer... But I do like the vegetarian/vegan group.


Start your own group if you want to find out.
Tbh, I'm in this group out of solidarity with other faithless non-carnivores to maybe consider ethics or social issues. If I want recipes there are literally hundreds of other places I can go; same for vegans. Another recipe-swapping forum here is redundant for me personally.

Gareth Level 7 Sep 22, 2018

Very true, I get most of my recipes off YouTube 🙂

@ArdentAtheist I didn't think of that. i mostly get them from just eating what I buy at the farmers market.

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Posted by jjbelleAt the Demver airport. The Grilled Cheese option is the slightest of nods to the obligation to provide an option. The Caprese is a nod and a point.

Posted by jjbelleAt the Demver airport. The Grilled Cheese option is the slightest of nods to the obligation to provide an option. The Caprese is a nod and a point.

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