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We did breakfast for dinner for my moms birthday. She has dementia and I’m the primary care giver, she still plays the Diva being a retired opera singer🙂. those pancakes are vegan and made by one of my amazing teenagers... it’s also a vegan birthday cake, chocalte remortgage the house cake from whole paycheck, I mean foods... I really only shop there if I need a vegan cake, so just special occasions. My moms Dr. very much approves of the vegan diet but I do make her a little fish now and then. The Dr. told my mom, “If you see a cake, eat it”.

ArdentAtheist 8 Sep 24
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I believe the syrup to pancake ratio is way off.

Sticks48 Level 9 Sep 27, 2018

Lol, had another bottle on deck?

@ArdentAtheist l would hope so. ?


That’s very sweet. She is lucky to have you.??????

Melind Level 6 Sep 26, 2018

Enjoy her while you still have her, but it sounds like I don't really need to tell you that.

mcgeo52 Level 8 Sep 24, 2018

Good man, Charlie Brown.

Lavergne Level 8 Sep 24, 2018

It looks really good!


That is one massive pile of pancakes!!!

graceylou Level 8 Sep 24, 2018

Mom don’t fool around where pancakes are concerned🙂

@ArdentAtheist Honestly I can probably eat all that in one sitting. I’m quite a bit of a piggy.


What do you use for an egg substitute?

JackPedigo Level 9 Sep 24, 2018

Aquafaba. I made this garbonzo bean salad for lunch to save the water for the pancakes. The pancakes also had ripe bananas and it is also a good egg substitute.

@ArdentAtheist I found out ground chia is a great egg sub too. Accidentally bought ground chia instead of chia seeds. Made nice plump fluffy pancakes.

@ArdentAtheist I made buckwheat pancakes using the cooked garbanzo water + a commercial egg replacer. The aquafaba whipped up well. Unfortunately, pure buckwheat is a sticky mess.

@JackPedigo I should have made a separate photographic study of my kitchen disasters🙂

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