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Almonds or cashews ?

Wildgreens 8 Feb 16
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Cashews are nutritionally richer but I'm a sucker for a roasted almond

JoelLovell Level 6 Mar 21, 2018

I prefer Cashews but, unfortunately they are more environmentally harmful to grow and can be toxic. The seed is surrounded by a double shell containing an allergenic phenolic resin, anacardic acid, a potent skin irritant chemically related to the better-known allergenic oil urushiol which is also a toxin found in the related poison ivy. Properly roasting cashews destroys the toxin, but it must be done outdoors as the smoke (not unlike that from burning poison ivy) contains urushiol droplets which can cause severe, sometimes life-threatening, reactions by irritating the lungs. [] Also, they grow in the tropics and forests have been cut to grow the trees.

Almonds are a big crop for California but it's growth has led to major problems including water shortages and the bee die off. The pollination of California's almonds is the largest annual managed pollination event in the world..." "...This business has been heavily affected by colony collapse disorder, causing nationwide shortages of honey bees and increasing the price of insect pollination." Again wikipedia.

There is probably very few foods consumed today that doesn't do some kind of serious damage to the environment. That said,, the meat industry is the worst.

JackPedigo Level 9 Feb 16, 2018

Geez, I was not aware, thanks so much for informing me.


Almonds have more essential health elements but cashews are easier to chew and a preferred taste....both make excellent "butter" and yes the "milk" from both is DELICIOUS ! UNsalted of course



@Naeem Tahini has zero cholesterol.

@Naeem []

@Naeem amazingly tahini even LOWERS cholesterol []


Both! As milk too.

Lysistrata Level 7 Feb 16, 2018
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