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A very simple and clear point!

verifiabliss 5 Feb 21
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Exactly, no one has to die.

Wildgreens Level 8 Mar 29, 2018

Symbiosis and synthetic food beyond vitamins wI'll save us from the greedy murderous industrial "food" scam


I have to disagree here: that choice is obvious if by "others" we mean other humans. It is less obvious if we extend it arbitrarily to other forms of life. Clearly everyone can make a judgement of what other forms of life may be able to "suffer". But there is a difference between humans and other animals, and within the animal kingdom there is a huge difference between, say, monkeys, pigs, cows, chickens, fish, insects, or molluscs. If we talk about "kill" then that applies to all living things, not just animals. Carrots and lettuce get killed too.
So one has to make informed judgements and make decisions based on what evidence there is for the important aspects here: suffering, environmental impact etc. And when one does this, I think there is no reason to end up with the kind of fundamentalist dogmatism that I see among some people when it comes to eating.
If a person decides to every now and then eat meat, clearly that is better than eating meat all the time. If they decide to just eat birds and avoid mammals, clearly that is a step in the right direction. If they every now and then eat some poultry better than every day. There is a spectrum of improvement here, I think, rather than the "in/out" attitude I often see.
One aspect about veganism I find particularly unsettling is the attitude many people seem to have about what they call "speciecism": as if setting priorities and valuing humans higher would be a bad thing.
No, it isn't. If we think things through, it will probably turn out that caring about other species on this planet in the right way is only beneficial for our species. But to declare that the same set of values and ethics should apply to all species is absurd and necessarily leads to absurd consequences and contradictions. It is just not as easy as that.
Things tend to be complicated and simple rules often just try to distract from the complexity to make people feel better.

josmi6699 Level 6 Feb 28, 2018

People also like to bury emotional truths in intellectual complexities, which is why I posted the meme. This article asks a good question in light of new evidence of animal sentience: how long can we treat the suffering of animals as an inconvenient truth? []

But perhaps you would prefer to ponder the atheist philosopher Jeremy Bentham's quote: "The question is not "Can they reason?" nor, "Can they talk?" but "Can they suffer?" []

@verifiabliss I agree, in this context all that matters is the question "can they suffer" and then, whether we should our want to feel empathy. My point is that even though I do not know, I am pretty sure that an insect does not suffer.
In order to think about this, I think it is also necessary to define what we mean by "suffer". My definition would be that "suffer" is something that requires a certain amount of emotion and self-awareness. The mere physiological ability to feel damage and an innate reflex to avoid it is nor pain nor suffering. Even an amoeba and plants have such mechanism, but to call that suffering would be absurd, in my opinion.
So yes, what matters is if the suffer but whether or not the species is able to suffer at all depends on higher neural abilities. So most whales, despite popular beliefs, may not be able to reason or talk, but they probably are able to suffer. A shrimp, I am pretty sure, not.

But I do not intend to keep anybody from being vegan or even from disagreeing with me on the subject of suffering with this argument - if you are vegan, that is brilliant, go for it! If you disagree about the suffering, sure we can continue to argue and try to find out more. What I dislike is that some vegans tend to judge non-vegans in way that I find extremely exaggerated. No, killing an animal does not equate killing humans, And killing shrimp does not equate killing pigs. Drinking milk does not equate raping women. And the aim of avoiding meat and especially meat of mammals is one where it would be useful if we could all together achieve it even by a gradual reduction and a gradual change of habit of so many people on this globe.


Sorry, that comment uses reason. Things like food choices, religion and guns are about emotions.

I just saw a program on netflix titled "Bugs". It's about some guys from Holland who toured the world looking for edible bugs (there are some 1,900). It was very, very interesting (but a bit gross). Bugs are plentiful and they have no negative impact on the environment (no greenhouse gas emissions, no waste issues) and their is an efficient caloric gain to feed ratio. []

JackPedigo Level 9 Feb 21, 2018

As insects are classified in the animal kingdom, and honey is not considered vegan, I will continue to refuse insects as food. (And even if they weren't "animals" and it was proven they don't feel pain-- your hint is correct, I'd still find them disgusting, emotionally! 😉 )

@verifiabliss The guys in the program commented that even as recently as the 90's Sushi was considered gross. Now it is common. To me it is all about morality and the harm caused to the environment and sentient beings. My uncle was a state apiest and had some 100 hives in Md and Va. Enough honey is taken that does not destroy the bees overwintering ability and sugar water is given if the hives become stressed. We have an island apiest and I get honey directly from them. Bees are always a part of the food process and if not for their honey it is for their pollinating plants. Maybe, I'm justifying but thought has gone into that justification.


Clearly #2

Moondrop Level 6 Feb 21, 2018
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