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I found this bread in the freezer at Sprouts this week and I really like it. WAY better than Udi’s.

MissKathleen 9 Feb 24
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Thanks! I got my local market to get it for me.

Wildgreens Level 8 Apr 21, 2019

They have this at the local co-ops. I have seen it and will try it. So far the best GF breads I have found are from Trader Joe's. No frozen or wrapped in heavy wrappers.Just like normal breads.

JackPedigo Level 9 Feb 24, 2019

@MissKathleen What, no co-ops. Must be living in a desert. lol Our area, the Skagit, is the most natural fertile land in the state. It is a major agricultural area and lots of co-op. Even a co-opish type store on Lopez.

@MissKathleen Now I am better informed. One question, though; how many farms are organic? Obviously this is an irrigated area and, as such, farms are often large and industrialized. The smaller, organic farms are those that form co-ops. It's a better way of getting you items sold on a larger scale.

@MissKathleen World's largest!! wow. My late partner loved those dates and she said that when they were little their mother would get a barrel full for the4 year. I go to Iranian stores in Vancouver BC (major Iranian population there) if I want those dates. I still have a few from my last trip.

@MissKathleen You're welcome! BTW a local co-op sells the Northern Bakehouse brand but they are not frozen. Their burger buns are a good size for a dinner roll.


Thank you. We'll look too. Sprouts has become one of our favorite stores.

RichCC Level 8 Feb 24, 2019

Thank you! I'm going to look for it!

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