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Me and my 3 kids with what might be my best #vegan stir fry ever! Two kind of mushrooms, tofu, carrots, peppers, garlic & onions with a hoisin sauce over jasmine rice ... Thomas and I went nuts with the hot pepper, that’s my boy🙂

ArdentAtheist 8 Mar 12
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All sounds great, until jasmine rice, which I despise. Lol. But the stir fry looks great. I love making stir frys too. Simple and you can throw in whatever you’ve got available.

graceylou Level 8 Mar 13, 2019

Stir-fries and curries are a great way to practice being creative with dinner. I used to have a roommate that couldn’t understand how something so delicious could be made without a recipe. Great job getting the kids involved, too!!


Wow! That looks wonderful! And both your kids are cuties ... You're a lucky man ?


Looks delicious!

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