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What transformed you, to become a vegetarian, then a vegan if so?
An animal rights rock album moved me emotionally at age 16 and I gave up meat then. It was called "Animal Liberation".
I was vegetarian for another 16 years before I learned how much dairy cows suffered being artificially inseminated, losing their babies, and being hooked up to machines; that they are sent to slaughter within 6 years when they no longer produce enough milk; that male chicks are killed within hours of hatching since they can't lay eggs, and that about a third of male calves from dairy cows become veal.

verifiabliss 5 Mar 2
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As a child I was asking what food came from.
I was just told to eat it. As I developed the love for animals as a child, it just felt wrong.
I remember I had to sit at the dinner table and eat all of my food. I never would. I remember my teachers asking my parents why they were starving me. My mom explained how I was just not eating very much. So my mom finally figure it out that I would eat just fruits and vegetables.

Wildgreens Level 8 Mar 29, 2018

My physician recommended a vegan diet for me. That was about 10 years ago. I'd been cutting my meat intake for years, and only ate chicken and fish, plus milk and milk products. I stopped milk and immediately felt better...I'm allergic to milk. All my life I got colds every winter because the milk allergy caused bronchitis. Since stopping milk, I've had one cold.

Anyway, it took me about five years to really stop eating meat and animal products. Alghough, I still eat meat, but not often. My health has improved; no longer take blood pressure meds. I'm loosing weight, exercise and feel better.

Medical reasons for living a vegan lifestyle are given in several books by Dr. John A. McDougall.

On Netflix and YouTube is a documentary called "Forks over Knives" starring T. Colin Campbell, Ph.D, Caldwell Esselstyn, M.D., John A. McDougall, M.D., Neal D. Barnard, M.D.

There is more, too. I think the medical community is beginning to recognize that vegan and nearly vegan diets are better for people than diets with meat; although, research is limited.

EdEarl Level 8 Mar 25, 2018

Well I suppose for me it's it's a process I've been a carnivore all of my life meat bread you know...
As I've gotten older I found out that phytonutrients are very important I've been listening to people that talk about mangosteen juice the concept of laying food be your medicine that type of thing for a few years now. Recently I took what was called a 7 Day vegan challenge...
A lot of people could say that I failed miserably but I did vegetables and fruit smoothies that type of thing for 4 days...
and remarkably I was able to tell the difference so I've been moving on from that point. I'm incorporating Moringa in my diet ....
blue green algae all sorts of things that hat taste Green & good for me and and I'm craving it and , guess I'll just keep moving on from here... Fully Raw?

Tohearu2 Level 3 Mar 5, 2018

When my partner returned to the U.S. from Germany in 1990 we discovered NPR. More and more we heard stories about all the chemicals in meat especially beef so we weaned ourselves off of this meat. After additional information we removed the other meats from our diet and our transformation to vegetarianism was Thanksgiving 1994. I need to say the slow transition allowed us to find other food sources. There are more than people realize.

After we broke up I met another woman who was vegetarian and a member of the Earth Save founded by John Robbins (son of the founder of Baskin & Robbins). I went to local (Seattle) meetings and learned there were other concerns aside from personal health ones. When I met my late partner she was also vegetarian but only for personal health reasons (she found she did not like the taste nor texture of meat). Once she discovered the other issues she became a real, in-you-face promoter.

I like to say when you close a few doors (on meat) you open up many, many more.


I block fundamentalist obsfucators. ...carrots DO NOT HAVE EYES BRAINS EARS nor tongues to taste with. ...the choice is clear. ...animals suffer pollution and habitat degradation. ...humans are animals. ....we are evolved frugivores and those primates that continue predatory "diets" suffer shorter longevity ages. ...


Growing up under my hunter daddy wing and chicken feather plucking mom is an unavoidable developmental imagery. ....if all animal eaters were required to buy a hunting license AND WORK ONE DAY A YEAR INSIDE A SLAUGHTERHOUSE. ...most would grow a conscience and stop watching the light of life go out in the terrified dying eyes of birds cows pigs and "food" sliced up for sale


(the smiths meat is murder?) No I have been a life long veggie as my mum was allergic to meat and so was I

jacpod Level 8 Mar 2, 2018
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Posted by jjbelleAt the Demver airport. The Grilled Cheese option is the slightest of nods to the obligation to provide an option. The Caprese is a nod and a point.

Posted by jjbelleAt the Demver airport. The Grilled Cheese option is the slightest of nods to the obligation to provide an option. The Caprese is a nod and a point.

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Posted by BDairBrilliant tip.

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