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Anyone Vegan and Childfree/Anti-natalist?

SkotlandSkye 8 Mar 2
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Childfree/anti-natalist sounds like another good idea for another group .have you thought about it?

Kojaksmom Level 8 Apr 11, 2018

Completely vegan for the last 15 years and no children ever.

You should probably just move here and be my BFF. 🙂


Vegan, chidless, but raised foster kids. Raised them vegan and raised them athiest.
I had a friend that asked if I could babysit her kids for a couple of days, she never came back for them. I raised them.

Wildgreens Level 8 Mar 28, 2018

wow. Good for you for stepping up to the plate on that.


I am child free and a vegan. I'm curious. Why this combo?

Rescue/Foster/Adopt......dogs, cats, humans.... I think it's irresponsible to be breeding more humans when there are humans stuck in shelters and homeless....


Just 1/2 of the above. Vegan with an adult child.

Hope4Zoe Level 6 Mar 3, 2018

Almost vegan (some fish and honey) and almost childfree (I commented about this to a previous posting).

I know, sounds wrong but the circumstances were such that my daughter was taken out of my life at an early age for her and, my partner at the time and I decided we did not want children and were active in a Childfree by Choice group in Washington for years.

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