10 4

What do US people in this group have planned for Thanksgiving? I just finished cooking kabocha and collard greens for a vegan potluck. Should be amazing!

NeverSure 5 Nov 27
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I was working on my veggie stock that day. Stayed home enjoying a quiet night. Being a vegan is not about a diet. I did not want to deal with humans.


I'll be alone.

BitFlipper Level 8 Nov 28, 2019

You should have said, very year I host a gathering of otherwise-alone singles here for both todday & Xmas, you could stay nearby & join us!

@AnneWimsey I was invited to a family dinner but it became unworkable when the friend who invited me suddenly became ill.

@BitFlipper where will you be for Xmas Day?

@AnneWimsey I don't have any plans for xmas. I never do.


Sharing a dish with some vegan atheist friends. A nice big, juicy, stuffed butternut squash is often on the menu.

JackPedigo Level 9 Nov 27, 2019

Love vegans most ethical humans on earth


Traditional things with a couple of friends only. I loooove lefovers, especially ones new to me!

AnneWimsey Level 9 Nov 27, 2019

I'll be at the family get together. Other than being outnumbered 20 to 1, by crazy fundies, it's good.
So that's 4 atheists to 80 fundys? I'm sure about the atheists part anyway 😉

freeofgod Level 8 Nov 27, 2019

Eating at my sisters tomorrow with family

bobwjr Level 10 Nov 27, 2019

I made pumpkin pies and mashed potatoes for the family dinner we will be having at my daughter's home. I know there will be turkey, most of the family is not vegetarian.


Im making potato leek soup with fresh bread 💜


Eggplant Parmesan...

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Posted by jjbelleAt the Demver airport. The Grilled Cheese option is the slightest of nods to the obligation to provide an option. The Caprese is a nod and a point.

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