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Notice how so very few men are vegetarians/vegans. It is too bad for us women who don't eat flesh.

Womanatheist 4 May 31
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Its because of choice

Whoohoo Level 4 June 2, 2018

And when they eat it, they have to make those noises as they close their eyes and smile of total pleasure. In my mind I watch the flesh go through their digestive system. I know too many people who have died of cancer due to consuming charred red fleshes and processed (pressed, sugared, salted) "use-to-be" animal meats.

Plant1010J Level 6 May 31, 2018

Men are focused on satisfying urges. Resisting the urge to consume what satiated them as children is a challenge. Men are indulged when it comes to food. Women are far more disciplined having a culture that encourages restraint. "But I don't like it" is a common rrefrain, where a woman will learn to like it. IMO only. Men who value their health for themselves or for the ones who love them make alterations in their diets. It always amuses me that I see men bragging about how much they eat & revel in adoration at the massive amount of fat food they cook, slathered in cheese & butter. Then 3 weeks later they are lamenting that they need to lose 30 lbs., have been diagnosed with heart disease, & have to stop drinking. It is not easy loving a man

Mooolah Level 8 May 31, 2018

load of rubbish

@Whoohoo You are a level 3. Go away until you learn what rubbish is & are at a level worth the attention. JOKING!!!!


I know quite a few vegan males. They are out there. Some of big names in vegan activism are males and there are many male athletes and bodybuilders who are vegans or at least plant-based. One guy in a veggie group on Facebook posts some of the prettiest most delicious looking vegan dishes he makes. Always enjoy his posts and wish I were that good.

graceylou Level 8 May 31, 2018

I'm male and have been a vegetarian going on 30 plus years. Have a number of male friends & acquaintances who are also vegetarians & vegans as well as being skeptics, atheists, agnostics and humanist.

Ganaimn Level 5 May 31, 2018

You have my permission to send one my way

Ditto. I have a similar feeling about women. I don't think this is a gender thing.

@JackPedigo More women are vegan. It is a gender thing.

@Hope4Zoe Thank you, I guess I learned something (it goes to show one's experiences are not always accurate). My question is: where are they?


I've seen a few vegan guys on here who seem very nice.


Yes, not everyone is like us. Our values are different.

Wildgreens Level 8 May 31, 2018

It is difficult to fix meals, sure, but there are so many different vegan delicacies. Stores also have some great meat substitutes made from grains.

I would like to see the day when we aren't making foods that look or taste like meats. There's no reason to miss the look, smell, or taste of them. Example:a turkey-shaped tofu dinner

@Plant1010J I am not ruling out tofu. I really like it. I also like some of the different hummus. I like the red pepper. I could eat that on soft flat bread any day. There are to many too numerous to mention. I love quinoa.I do not need it to look like meat. Geez. Who stepped on your tail feathers? I herd someone say the thought eating gluten free was stupid. I eat gluten free. I don't consider it stupid. Damn crap is like cement in your little intestine. I presume whoever made the remark knows that diabetics 2 people must eat gluten free.

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