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Cutting Donald a New Rectal Orifice!: []
Merseyman1 comments on Sep 7, 2020:
This guy has no morals. He doesn't need a new rectal orifice, he has it in his face!
BirdMan1 replies on Sep 7, 2020:
I stand corrected, or sit. You are sooo right!
Liar liar pants on fire
WonderWartHog99 comments on Sep 7, 2020:
## Biden said what he wants during the debates is a fact check trailer at the bottom of the screen.
BirdMan1 replies on Sep 7, 2020:
@LucyLoohoo I always knew you were so smart!
New Evidence About Who Might Be Buried at Stonehenge: []
Charlene comments on Sep 7, 2020:
Can't read as I'm not a subscriber..🥺
BirdMan1 replies on Sep 7, 2020:
Apparently, people from Wales, and, even, the mainland.
Hayes: President Donald Trump Has Turned The U.
chalupacabre comments on Sep 7, 2020:
I've asked supporters about the Make America Great Again slogan before. Plainly stated that I wasn't asking to be antagonistic, but wanted to know what comparison was used, when they last believed the country was great. Never really got an answer. Closest I've ever come is listening to a podcast ...
BirdMan1 replies on Sep 7, 2020:
VERY well put!
Remember the days?
LucyLoohoo comments on Sep 7, 2020:
American educational standards took a deep dive...nobody understands our governmental systems...we're too fat, too lazy and too ignorant. We don't deserve the Constitution!
BirdMan1 replies on Sep 7, 2020:
Sadly truthful, you are!
Absolutely yes
WonderWartHog99 comments on Sep 7, 2020:
## . . . and may the inmates run out of lube.
BirdMan1 replies on Sep 7, 2020:
Liar liar pants on fire
WonderWartHog99 comments on Sep 7, 2020:
## Biden said what he wants during the debates is a fact check trailer at the bottom of the screen.
BirdMan1 replies on Sep 7, 2020:
@WonderWartHog99 Fuck him!
Liar liar pants on fire
Freedompath comments on Sep 7, 2020:
Trump has to ‘showboat,’ how else would he make it in life? There is nothing in trump’s nature that is about truth and basic dignity...his MO is to steal...anything, even other people’s glory! 😖
BirdMan1 replies on Sep 7, 2020:
Especially THAT one's glory!
How far they have strayed
Merseyman1 comments on Sep 6, 2020:
Oh my Dog! Is it the same Party at all?
BirdMan1 replies on Sep 6, 2020:
Not really.
getting a haircut without a mask BFD, while trump raw dogs porn stars
HumanistJohn comments on Sep 6, 2020:
Well said. I lnow his followers are cult members, but it still amazes me that anybody can support that lying egotistical piece-of-shit who's a sorry excuse for a human being.
BirdMan1 replies on Sep 6, 2020:
@WonderWartHog99 Could happen.
Contested Election? []
bigjac comments on Sep 6, 2020:
I hope we have an overwhelming landslide, for Biden/Harris, and all the Democrats running for the Senate, as well. A landslide election, should shut them up.
BirdMan1 replies on Sep 6, 2020:
My wish too, like at 75 million!
Go For The Jugular! []
bigjac comments on Sep 6, 2020:
I often think, if I were in the position of Biden, that I would take the stage, say the hellos and formalities, and then, refuse to debate Trump. Each time the questioner asked me a question, I would repeat a few lines about Trump having no skills that serve him as President, and that my team and...
BirdMan1 replies on Sep 6, 2020:
I love it!
Trump Tries to UnMask Biden? []
Merseyman1 comments on Sep 5, 2020:
The evils of that tyrant no longer surprise me, it's all about himself and staying in power...
BirdMan1 replies on Sep 6, 2020:
No botom!
Trump Tries to UnMask Biden? []
Freedompath comments on Sep 6, 2020:
I wish I had the where-with-all...
BirdMan1 replies on Sep 6, 2020:
Me too!
Trump Tries to UnMask Biden? []
wordywalt comments on Sep 5, 2020:
Let the idiot keep at it. He is simply losing more and more of the people not in his rabid rabble ranks.
BirdMan1 replies on Sep 6, 2020:
@19dacar52 those may have been the Russian inspired polls! We amy have some this year, as well: VOTE! RESIST!
Trump Tries to UnMask Biden? []
WonderWartHog99 comments on Sep 5, 2020:
## People know what the high holy purpose of wearing a mask during a pandemic. They also know it's uncomfortable. If worn for long periods it can cause skin rashes. Additionally it muffles speech, often making it difficult to be heard. The downsides of ALWAYS wearing a mask is why most people ...
BirdMan1 replies on Sep 6, 2020:
@WonderWartHog99 And, in the week before he resigned 10% of Americans still thought he was doing a great job!
God at his computer
Redheadedgammy comments on Sep 6, 2020:
I read a story about a bunch of those trump supporters having a boat parade for the orange anus and then sinking in a lake in Austin Texas! Wish I could have been there to laugh at the MAGAts!!!🤣
BirdMan1 replies on Sep 6, 2020:
@LucyLoohoo THESE folks he just might call "Real Heroes!" The cognitive dissonance will not bother him, as he has no cognitive anything!
God at his computer
Diogenes comments on Sep 6, 2020:
Gawd is fictional--- Dump is almost real. Maybe we will wake up when this macabre night mare is over.
BirdMan1 replies on Sep 6, 2020:
THAT would be nice, but do not hold your breath.
getting a haircut without a mask BFD, while trump raw dogs porn stars
HumanistJohn comments on Sep 6, 2020:
Well said. I lnow his followers are cult members, but it still amazes me that anybody can support that lying egotistical piece-of-shit who's a sorry excuse for a human being.
BirdMan1 replies on Sep 6, 2020:
@WonderWartHog99 Well, maybe "Amerikka."
There's good and bad guys on both sides, white supremacists and protesters! Protesters are thugs and...
Freedompath comments on Sep 6, 2020:
This is trumps ‘life blood’...he is propelled to greater heights on the wings of evil!
BirdMan1 replies on Sep 6, 2020:
So well said!
Over the weekend, (August 30/31/2020) Republican Steve Schmidt, who ran John McCain's 2008 ...
HippieChick58 comments on Sep 5, 2020: Was this the interview you were talking about?
BirdMan1 replies on Sep 5, 2020:
No, that's not the one quoted above.
"Nobody has ever, ever respected and love veterans and the military like me"
Merseyman1 comments on Sep 5, 2020:
Trump, who avoided the military draft five times (lying the last) said this to John McCain, who was a Navy Pilot who spent more than five years in a North Vietnamese prison where he was repeatedly tortured and spent two of those years in solitary confinement.: “He’s not a war hero,” said ...
BirdMan1 replies on Sep 5, 2020:
He'll find a way to outdo his scuzzy self.
REAL (not trump's) News on a Vaccine for Covid-19: []
barjoe comments on Sep 5, 2020:
Trump just wants to lie (surprise) to benefit the election. That's the reason Putin said he was releasing Sputnik V even though it won't be ready for production until 2021. It was to help his protege's reelection effort.
BirdMan1 replies on Sep 5, 2020:
Let Putin give it a shot (lol).
White House Directs Federal Agencies to Cancel Race-Related Training President Trump is ...
BirdMan1 comments on Sep 5, 2020:
Asshat said that such training is propaganda...more projection. Maybe he is working hard to shore up his popularity amongst the lowest of the country's low. He need not bother, they are already soooo with him. And, MAYBE, this will help put whatever people can conceivably still be on the fence, ...
BirdMan1 replies on Sep 5, 2020:
@Freedompath Well, George Orwell gave it a try.
Trump asks the people to vote twice, Barr says mail in voting is "playing with fire" UTTER BULLSHIT!...
Frctnal comments on Sep 3, 2020:
And so many people hang on his every word. It's sick.
BirdMan1 replies on Sep 5, 2020:
So true!
Trump asks the people to vote twice, Barr says mail in voting is "playing with fire" UTTER BULLSHIT!...
LucyLoohoo comments on Sep 3, 2020:
And news media all over the country are having a HELLUVA good time with this insanity! He'll either ignore it ("It never happened..fake news") or he'll pretend he was joking.
BirdMan1 replies on Sep 5, 2020:
@LucyLoohoo A new kind of "afternoon delight!"
I'm calling out all of my fellow veterans to share this
silverotter11 comments on Sep 5, 2020:
Sadly being republican in many cases goes hand in hand with racism. Story of 2 veterans, close in age. The one is a republican, stills asks as a rebuttal "What about her e-mails", never says it but I have seen the look of loathing when a black resident would come for a potluck (remember when they ...
BirdMan1 replies on Sep 5, 2020:
Sadly, I have to agree with you, though I might add greed to the bigotry issue.
I'm calling out all of my fellow veterans to share this
BirdMan1 comments on Sep 4, 2020:
I was thinking, earlier today, about a cousin with whom I no longer have, nor wish to have, contact. He is a veteran, is the son a 2 Holocaust survivors, and a marching-in-lockstep republican Trumpista. He knew, years ago, that there was no such thing as global warming, that ObamaCare included ...
BirdMan1 replies on Sep 5, 2020:
@Austin-Cambridge I try to.
Can you spot the difference?
mcgeo52 comments on Sep 4, 2020:
I'd be curious as to who would win a fight between the two groups. I wouldn't bet on the posers in the blue truck.
BirdMan1 replies on Sep 5, 2020:
Me neither.
Over the weekend, (August 30/31/2020) Republican Steve Schmidt, who ran John McCain's 2008 ...
LucyLoohoo comments on Sep 4, 2020:
Hmmmm...I've been impressed with his Rachel Maddow appearances. BUT...this is the man who convinced the GOP/McCain folks to run Sarah Palin as VP! ????????
BirdMan1 replies on Sep 5, 2020:
So, he's doing us a favor now, and he did one for us with the Alaskan twit!
Over the weekend, (August 30/31/2020) Republican Steve Schmidt, who ran John McCain's 2008 ...
oldFloyd comments on Sep 5, 2020:
I agree 100% with what the gentleman suggests, now how do you get 40% of the imbeciles and idiots that we share the country with to see reality? 🤔
BirdMan1 replies on Sep 5, 2020:
Wish I knew. Empty their bottles of Kool-Aid?
THIS is Where the Cult of Trump Has Taken the Country, for Now, Who Knows What Special Shit will ...
Cutiebeauty comments on Sep 5, 2020:
Holy crap! Doesn't this idiot understand That it's criminals not blm protestors!!
BirdMan1 replies on Sep 5, 2020:
"Understand?" NOT!
White House Directs Federal Agencies to Cancel Race-Related Training President Trump is ...
LucyLoohoo comments on Sep 5, 2020:
Would anything he does really surprise us?
BirdMan1 replies on Sep 5, 2020:
I've been saying, from the beginning, he has no bottom!
Make America great again!
Merseyman1 comments on Sep 5, 2020:
THE BEST IS YET TO COME! ...shouted Kimberly Guilfoyle, partner of Donny Jr.
BirdMan1 replies on Sep 5, 2020:
@HumanistJohn, @Freedompath That is because, unlike her, you have a functioning brain!
Make America great again!
Merseyman1 comments on Sep 5, 2020:
THE BEST IS YET TO COME! ...shouted Kimberly Guilfoyle, partner of Donny Jr.
BirdMan1 replies on Sep 5, 2020:
@HumanistJohn You are a good student of George Orwell, I see!
I'm calling out all of my fellow veterans to share this
Merseyman1 comments on Sep 4, 2020:
But Trump says he respects the military and the veterans!
BirdMan1 replies on Sep 4, 2020:
Horse shit!
Trump asks the people to vote twice, Barr says mail in voting is "playing with fire" UTTER BULLSHIT!...
LucyLoohoo comments on Sep 3, 2020:
And news media all over the country are having a HELLUVA good time with this insanity! He'll either ignore it ("It never happened..fake news") or he'll pretend he was joking.
BirdMan1 replies on Sep 4, 2020:
@LucyLoohoo Precisely! He can not relate to humor, it goes right over his really quite bald head.
He's a stable genius. No, really.
BirdMan1 comments on Sep 1, 2020:
If it were here, in Florida, I'd call the police and try to get him Baker Acted! But, not slowly.
BirdMan1 replies on Sep 4, 2020:
@LucyLoohoo Interestingly, as in comparing California to Florida, your act seems designed to protect people with mental health issues:- The (Lanterman, Petris and Alan Short, the LPS) Act sought to, “end the inappropriate, indefinite, and involuntary commitment of persons with mental health disorders.” It also established a right to prompt psychiatric evaluation and treatment, in some situations, and set out strict due process protections for mental health clients.
Some Good News: []
of-the-mountain comments on Sep 2, 2020:
trump and the obstructionist republicans fascist will do and have done many illegal, immoral, and overtly unethical Lies, promote false facts, manipulation of all media and facts to stay in power!!! Six corporations own over 92% of all paper, radio, and TV media, which are owned by right wing ...
BirdMan1 replies on Sep 4, 2020:
@Sticks48, @of-the-mountain Truth spoken there, also.
Some Good News: []
of-the-mountain comments on Sep 2, 2020:
trump and the obstructionist republicans fascist will do and have done many illegal, immoral, and overtly unethical Lies, promote false facts, manipulation of all media and facts to stay in power!!! Six corporations own over 92% of all paper, radio, and TV media, which are owned by right wing ...
BirdMan1 replies on Sep 4, 2020:
@Sticks48 You speak the truth!
bigjac comments on Sep 4, 2020:
Lots of soup jokes. But it's truly not funny. Trump wants all those who agree with him, and who have rifles, to shoot protesters. He wants them all dead. And he expects us to agree with him, since those protesters are so dangerous. Dangerous, because they might throw cans of soup at...
BirdMan1 replies on Sep 4, 2020:
And, some of his followers actually do think the protestors are dangerous, it would seem.
bigjac comments on Sep 4, 2020:
Lots of soup jokes. But it's truly not funny. Trump wants all those who agree with him, and who have rifles, to shoot protesters. He wants them all dead. And he expects us to agree with him, since those protesters are so dangerous. Dangerous, because they might throw cans of soup at...
BirdMan1 replies on Sep 4, 2020:
Not funny, I agree, but it may be wise to laugh at the BS that flows from his mouth-thing, even while acknowledging its dangerousness.
Like a Religion? []
Freedompath comments on Sep 3, 2020:
The people in this area of Ga, will be in lock step with Ms Q! One of the lowest educated area of Ga! Sad!
BirdMan1 replies on Sep 4, 2020:
Now, you know why the Rethuglicans are so much against providing a decent education! Hell, people might learn to think! As A/A's here, let me not forget to mention that St. Augustine had argued for keeping the masses uneducated, for just that reason.
Like a Religion? []
LucyLoohoo comments on Sep 4, 2020:
Just like a religion....some of us just love being ''in the know''. Superstitious manias must've appeared thousands of times in our species. Thanks to the media....we know more about them. Can we pack these people up and send them to an enchanting desert island?
BirdMan1 replies on Sep 4, 2020:
Please, be my guest.
I'm calling out all of my fellow veterans to share this
TheDoubter comments on Sep 4, 2020:
anyone who votes for Trump is a loser and/or a sucker
BirdMan1 replies on Sep 4, 2020:
Maybe both?
Joe and Kamalas Big Tent!!!!!!
Freedompath comments on Sep 4, 2020:
The bag of money disturbs me...I sure hope there are plenty of strong willed people to put principles before the ‘loot!’ A few hand fulls of people should not control all the loot...there is the rub!
BirdMan1 replies on Sep 4, 2020:
@Freedompath I agree, and there are other countries where that happens, but it seems, campaigns are all about the money.
Typical republican disinformation
Merseyman1 comments on Sep 4, 2020:
Trump and his flock of sheep have no proportions of events. We have almost 200,000 deaths from Covid-19 and he wants to slam Pelosi for going to the salon without a mask. The swine does this EVERY DAY!
BirdMan1 replies on Sep 4, 2020:
That's how he remains foremost in the empty hearts of his minions!
Typical republican disinformation
Killtheskyfairy comments on Sep 3, 2020:
The hypocrisy of republicans never ceases to astonish and disgust me🤬
BirdMan1 replies on Sep 4, 2020:
That's what they do, who they are, good Christians, all.
General "Bone-spurs" called soldiers who died in combat "Losers and suckers".
Freedompath comments on Sep 4, 2020:
...and trump thinks no one has noticed! 🎃. Plus, that’s not all trump paints his face every morning...🎃. I guess we could surmise, he liked orange? Do you ever wonder if he shits orange bricks?
BirdMan1 replies on Sep 4, 2020:
How about he IS an orange brick of shit?
Can you spot the difference?
DharmaBum50 comments on Sep 4, 2020:
'Murikkkan Taliban vs. actual Taliban. Otherwise no difference.
BirdMan1 replies on Sep 4, 2020:
Joe and Kamalas Big Tent!!!!!!
Freedompath comments on Sep 4, 2020:
The bag of money disturbs me...I sure hope there are plenty of strong willed people to put principles before the ‘loot!’ A few hand fulls of people should not control all the loot...there is the rub!
BirdMan1 replies on Sep 4, 2020:
Sadly, there is a dire need to fund any campaign, probably always has been that way.
Like a Religion? []
mcgeo52 comments on Sep 3, 2020:
As far as I can tell QAnon is a psy-op run by the Russians with help from someone (or a group of someones) with access to high level information in the Trump "administration".
BirdMan1 replies on Sep 3, 2020:
Funny, or not, I have a similar Russia involved picture.
Starting to warm up to him
BitFlipper comments on Aug 21, 2020:
I would vote for a pile of rocks to get rid of Shitler. That being said, I like Biden and Harris.
BirdMan1 replies on Sep 3, 2020:
And, i'd vote for Stormy Daniels, rather than Dump-shit.
Starting to warm up to him
Mooolah comments on Aug 20, 2020:
He is a conservative Democrat. But his grieving for Beau made the timing impossible. Remember what happened to Muskie? It was Biden's as VP, but we ended up with someone who couldn;t fire up certain communities & we lost Kenosha Wisconsin by 300 votes. The campaign was flawed. Less so the ...
BirdMan1 replies on Sep 3, 2020:
@OldMetalHead And, I am as well, in Florida, now, and will vote similarly, with a chance that Florida might flip blue.
Oh, FFS. New MS flag features "IN GOD WE TRUST" []
BirdMan1 comments on Sep 3, 2020:
And a bunch of folks living the fairy tale were out at a nearby corner, yesterday, with signs and screaming about how "Jeebus is the answer!"
BirdMan1 replies on Sep 3, 2020:
@MissKathleen Had I to been driving by, on a busy street, I would have asked what was it that they, or who was it that they were trying to reach, in deeply Christian west Florida. I happen to "know" what the question is: "Who is your favorite fairy tale character, from the comic books?"
Starting to warm up to him
Mooolah comments on Aug 20, 2020:
He is a conservative Democrat. But his grieving for Beau made the timing impossible. Remember what happened to Muskie? It was Biden's as VP, but we ended up with someone who couldn;t fire up certain communities & we lost Kenosha Wisconsin by 300 votes. The campaign was flawed. Less so the ...
BirdMan1 replies on Sep 3, 2020:
@OldMetalHead Gotcha!
Today is the birthday of Horace Silver: []
creative51 comments on Sep 2, 2020:
One of my favorite songs. Love Horace Silver.
BirdMan1 replies on Sep 3, 2020:
Born in 1928. This piece is like a beautiful musical poem.
He's a stable genius. No, really.
BirdMan1 comments on Sep 1, 2020:
If it were here, in Florida, I'd call the police and try to get him Baker Acted! But, not slowly.
BirdMan1 replies on Sep 3, 2020:
@LucyLoohoo The Baker Act is a Florida law that allows people with mental illnesses to be held involuntarily for up to 72 hours in a mental health treatment facility if they meet certain criteria. The act can be initiated by judges, law enforcement officials, doctors or mental health professionals.
Oh, how Solomonic of him!
Austin-Cambridge comments on Sep 3, 2020:
He would cut a baby in half in the blink of an eye! :-D
BirdMan1 replies on Sep 3, 2020:
He'd be the natural mother in "The Caucasian Chalk Circle." by Bertolt Brecht, the one who would not let go of the baby, even if it meant the baby's death!
Trump asks the people to vote twice, Barr says mail in voting is "playing with fire" UTTER BULLSHIT!...
LucyLoohoo comments on Sep 3, 2020:
And news media all over the country are having a HELLUVA good time with this insanity! He'll either ignore it ("It never happened..fake news") or he'll pretend he was joking.
BirdMan1 replies on Sep 3, 2020:
He won't pretend, his staff will. He is incapable of joking. I don't think I've ever herd of his saying it was just a joke. "Hey, Russia, IF you're listening...."
Life's great under Trumps leadership! These are the "very best" people who he can come up with?
EMC2 comments on Sep 3, 2020:
The pathetic fact is that Kudlow has no degree in economics. He has a BS from Buffalo NY state college. That is it folks, While in college he was a member of SDS , students for a democratic society.
BirdMan1 replies on Sep 3, 2020:
SDS? Wow, I can give up any guilt I may have that I never joined.
Antifa thugs caught en route ....
Freedompath comments on Sep 3, 2020:
True picture of ‘trump world!’ Lol
BirdMan1 replies on Sep 3, 2020:
@DharmaBum50 I saw that Twilight Zone episode too, with the future Captain Kirk!
Starting to warm up to him
Mooolah comments on Aug 20, 2020:
He is a conservative Democrat. But his grieving for Beau made the timing impossible. Remember what happened to Muskie? It was Biden's as VP, but we ended up with someone who couldn;t fire up certain communities & we lost Kenosha Wisconsin by 300 votes. The campaign was flawed. Less so the ...
BirdMan1 replies on Sep 2, 2020:
@OldMetalHead I knew what Trump was about, in 2016, and saw no one but Hillary to vote for. The 3rd ;party idea, which Nader blew gore's chances with, is not viable in the U.S., and a protest vote goes unnoticed by the victor, anyway, unless it changes the outcome.
Trump's Mental Unhealth with Dr.
callmedubious comments on Sep 2, 2020:
as far as i know he has never droned anywhere near the # of ppl (civilians) as that paragon of peace, & the demo deluded, obamarama and i'm far from a supporter of drump.
BirdMan1 replies on Sep 2, 2020:
@HumanistJohn Probably! the bank maneuver would also be revenge against all the American banks that knew he was a bad investment!
Yes Donald, we're on airplanes✈
BirdMan1 comments on Sep 2, 2020:
All of us Antifa plotters! We let your friend survive the flight so that he could tell you all about it! How did we know it was a "he," because you have no female friends, only female ass kissers.
BirdMan1 replies on Sep 2, 2020:
@Freedompath I do hope that California folk send him a big fat cow patty on Nov. 3rd.
Yes Donald, we're on airplanes✈
BirdMan1 comments on Sep 2, 2020:
All of us Antifa plotters! We let your friend survive the flight so that he could tell you all about it! How did we know it was a "he," because you have no female friends, only female ass kissers.
BirdMan1 replies on Sep 2, 2020:
@Freedompath Does Nunes' cow wear a mask?
Some Good News: []
StarvingArtist comments on Sep 2, 2020:
I’ve read a couple of different times that polls are being manipulated to make people feel confident Biden will win so less of his supporters will show up to vote. Don’t remember just where or I would have added a link. Anyway, I am ignoring polls and voting no matter what! I hope to see a land...
BirdMan1 replies on Sep 2, 2020:
I'm going to vote, regardless!
BirdMan1 comments on Sep 1, 2020:
And, that's his better looking face!
BirdMan1 replies on Sep 2, 2020:
@JayOleck38 I love it!
This is how Trump wins, again.
HippieChick58 comments on Aug 31, 2020:
If I prayed, I would pray this doesn't happen. As it is, the best I can do is cross post to FB and cross fingers. We're so screwed.
BirdMan1 replies on Sep 2, 2020:
@HippieChick58 That's why it is called a curse.
He's a stable genius. No, really.
BirdMan1 comments on Sep 1, 2020:
If it were here, in Florida, I'd call the police and try to get him Baker Acted! But, not slowly.
BirdMan1 replies on Sep 2, 2020:
@LucyLoohoo Precisely!
Trump's Mental Unhealth with Dr.
callmedubious comments on Sep 2, 2020:
as far as i know he has never droned anywhere near the # of ppl (civilians) as that paragon of peace, & the demo deluded, obamarama and i'm far from a supporter of drump.
BirdMan1 replies on Sep 2, 2020:
@HumanistJohn And probably only cares about Ivanka on her back. Whatever faults one can find in any prior president, they do not amount to a hill of beans compared to the outrageous things this POS as done, and WILL do, if he remains in office! We can kiss goodbye the highly vaunted "Experiment" in Democracy if this buffoon survives in the office he stole in the first place.
Trump Terrorism "A vote for trump is a vote for radical right terrorism.
Mofo1953 comments on Sep 2, 2020:
This asshole should not only be voted out, but imprisoned as soon as he's gone forever with all his corrupt family and republican enablers.
BirdMan1 replies on Sep 2, 2020:
@HumanistJohn I sure as hell hope not, but then, there install the possibility of a New York indictment, that Pence could not touch.
Trump Promotes Conspiracy About Plane Entirely Filled with Antifa Thugs As he continues to ...
Freedompath comments on Sep 1, 2020:
We have a delusional president! 😱. And he has no idea that his mind is getting worse, if that is possible?
BirdMan1 replies on Sep 2, 2020:
Yes, and he was a delusional candidate, before that!
He wears it well!
LucyLoohoo comments on Sep 1, 2020:
Awww...he's the LONE RANGER!
BirdMan1 replies on Sep 1, 2020:
He tries to act the part.
He wears it well!
LucyLoohoo comments on Sep 1, 2020:
Awww...he's the LONE RANGER!
BirdMan1 replies on Sep 1, 2020:
@Merseyman1 And the Lone Ranger's sidekick was a Native American!
Reported by Stephen King and Verified by Snopes:
LucyLoohoo comments on Sep 1, 2020:
Such cute little fingers.....
BirdMan1 replies on Sep 1, 2020:
Would you like to break them, one by one?
He's a stable genius. No, really.
LucyLoohoo comments on Sep 1, 2020:
I'd offer him a poisoned apple.....just saying....or a lovely oleander salad.....
BirdMan1 replies on Sep 1, 2020:
You do rock!
Undoing what Terrible Trump has done.....
oldFloyd comments on Sep 1, 2020:
You know it's going to take more than one administration it's going to take at least probably 30 to 40 years to repair this damage.
BirdMan1 replies on Sep 1, 2020:
That is exactly what I said about GWB!
If the religious don't recognize the devil incarnate, we agnostics need to spread the message, ...
BirdMan1 comments on Sep 1, 2020:
If he has horns, I would think that they grow inwardly, into what might be, loosely, called his brain.
BirdMan1 replies on Sep 1, 2020:
@oldFloyd There you go!
Opinion | One nation ‘under God’?
Gwendolyn2018 comments on Aug 27, 2020:
I see that religious "commitment" is declining. Not that I get out much, but over the years, many people have told me that they "believe" but do not go to church. However, living in MO, there are several large churches in the Springfield area and they do not seem to be declining.
BirdMan1 replies on Sep 1, 2020:
@Gwendolyn2018 It's about tribalism.
Opinion | One nation ‘under God’?
bragadm comments on Aug 26, 2020:
Isn't Islam growing faster than Christianity in the U.S. such that it will surpass Christians in 50 years? So people might be pushing for One nation under Allah. And In Allah we Trust on the currency.
BirdMan1 replies on Sep 1, 2020:
@Mooolah And it's the same Abrahamic god, just with a new prophet, essentially.
Country over party...
bigjac comments on Aug 21, 2020:
And, Colin Powell, likewise, as reported here. Richard Nixon, if he were alive, would support Biden over Trump.
BirdMan1 replies on Sep 1, 2020:
Well, I'm not so sure. Nixon was a paranoid, anti-semitic asshole, and I'm sure he had no use for blacks, either.
On a Happier Note: []
Lorajay comments on Sep 1, 2020:
Flipping the senate is more important than defeating trump.
BirdMan1 replies on Sep 1, 2020:
We need to do both. If he stays in office, expect a civil war.
Donald Trump Jr. accused Hunter Biden of nepotism!
HippieChick58 comments on Aug 31, 2020:
Do you think they "know" what nepotism means? And that is isn't a good thing? Or are they so "superior" that they think that is the way it should be.
BirdMan1 replies on Sep 1, 2020:
Ask them whether, or not, they can even spell it.
TheDoubter comments on Aug 31, 2020:
he speaks poorly and doesn't think at all
BirdMan1 replies on Sep 1, 2020:
I really think that that is his way of trying to avoid being pinned down to anything substantial, because there is nothing substantial within him.
Elect me so I can.......
MichelleGar1 comments on Aug 31, 2020:
Just burn down the whole country, fuck it, if he's re-elected. 🤮😭
BirdMan1 replies on Sep 1, 2020:
You/we won't have to, he'll do it just fine!
Elect me so I can.......
zeuser comments on Aug 31, 2020:
You will be "elected" by a jury of your peers (who would we get for his peers? Putin? Baby Doc? Noreiga? "Kim? Erdogan?). Just a prediction. I always said the only justice the talking yam will ever receive is at the hands of a mob. He will be hung by his heels like his hero Mussolini.
BirdMan1 replies on Sep 1, 2020:
I once read that Mussolini was hoisted by his balls! Trump has none!
If the religious don't recognize the devil incarnate, we agnostics need to spread the message, ...
Lorajay comments on Sep 1, 2020:
We have failed miserably identifying him as evil to the holier-than-thou folks. I think they actually care more about their pocket book than their so called values.
BirdMan1 replies on Sep 1, 2020:
Pocket book and bigotry!
This is clever but also makes me sad.
Diogenes comments on Aug 31, 2020:
That face; could anything be uglier?
BirdMan1 replies on Sep 1, 2020:
Oh, that's a face?
Tucker Carson at the scene......
bobwjr comments on Aug 31, 2020:
Total racist fuck
BirdMan1 replies on Sep 1, 2020:
Nailed it/him!
This is how Trump wins, again.
TheDoubter comments on Aug 31, 2020:
biden with his faults is better than trump hands down
BirdMan1 replies on Sep 1, 2020:
This has been the hob goblin of the Dems: "Oh, but he's not perfect, how could I possibly vote for him!" Tht's how Nader got to screw gore out of the presidency, and we wound up with GWB, and his interminable fucking wars!
This is how Trump wins, again.
HippieChick58 comments on Aug 31, 2020:
If I prayed, I would pray this doesn't happen. As it is, the best I can do is cross post to FB and cross fingers. We're so screwed.
BirdMan1 replies on Sep 1, 2020:
@dalefvictor I believe that there is an old Chinese curse, that reads, "May you live in the most exciting of times!"
This is how Trump wins, again.
LucyLoohoo comments on Aug 31, 2020:
Only 63 days! Volunteer to take people to the polls! Make sure everyone you know is registered! Make sure YOU are registered! Vote by mail if you can! We can do this!
BirdMan1 replies on Sep 1, 2020:
@LucyLoohoo I knew that you rock!
We do too!
bigjac comments on Sep 1, 2020:
Yes. Trump still wants to kill the Central Park Five, who are clearly innocent, and have been exonerated. Trump wants to kill all the protesters. We need to put him behind us.
BirdMan1 replies on Sep 1, 2020:
We need to put him in Jail!
Trump is the worst jobs president. []
NHjulie comments on Aug 27, 2020:
I can't believe they are touting how many jobs they are "creating" when we are still down the over 30 million that were lost. Pretty sure they will include these numbers in jobs created during his tenure.
BirdMan1 replies on Aug 27, 2020:
This is what they do.
Nov 4th Hopefully!!!!!!!
BirdMan1 comments on Aug 26, 2020:
Build a funeral pyre, and burn the shit!
BirdMan1 replies on Aug 27, 2020:
@AnneWimsey Anne, that would be simply wonderful...if there's anything there to hang him from.
Can someone please explain? I don't understand how it is somehow ok.
dkp93 comments on Aug 27, 2020:
Let's not forget about the cops who were tossing water to the vigilantes and telling them how much they appreciated them. The cops played into the wannabes' delusions of self importance and are equally complicit in those deaths.
BirdMan1 replies on Aug 27, 2020:
You are 100% correct!
Nov 4th Hopefully!!!!!!!
BitFlipper comments on Aug 26, 2020:
Can that plastic be recycled? I'd use them as trash bags.
BirdMan1 replies on Aug 27, 2020:
TRASH bags?! Are you suggesting...? Well, yes!
Nov 4th Hopefully!!!!!!!
BirdMan1 comments on Aug 26, 2020:
Build a funeral pyre, and burn the shit!
BirdMan1 replies on Aug 27, 2020:
@dalefvictor Excellent! Well, I'd like to see him suffer ALONE in jail. Burning him would make too much of a martyr of him. Then, when it's all over, bury his cadaver at sea, just like they did with bin Laden, so there's no physical point for worship!
More Sickness Enabled by Trump: []
barjoe comments on Aug 27, 2020:
This is old. Richard Spencer recently endorsed Biden strange as that seems.
BirdMan1 replies on Aug 27, 2020:
I did not know it was old. But, Spencer endorsing Biden is probably a manipulation...not so strange.
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