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Gadgets and Such

I got home from worked, pushed a button and Sam is now vacuuming the whole house -- well, until he runs out of energy and goes home to recharge.

I have two cats and wholeheartedly believe that my Samsung Powerbot is the single most useful investment I've made to date (besides 401k). I cannot imagine going back to life without Sam and I'd buy him again in a heartbeat.

So, BESIDES the obvious -- cell phone, Internet, TV, car, food, shelter, etc., what are some gadgets or tools you have that you'd never want to be without now that they've made a difference in your life.

NOT what you don't want or need -- but what you DO have an appreciate (again, besides the obvious common items).

BlueWave 8 June 5

Enjoy being online again!

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My gf ! She does washiing and ironing, cooking, cleaning, brings me beer, etc, etc. Very versitile but only downside is the expensive upkeep ??


Makita cordless drivers, I have 5 and I love them, they make my life so much easier


Serious lifter and I would fall apart without a blender. 🙂

Hmmmm.... lifter as in weights? Blender for cooking?

@BlueWave Yep. Weight lifters need their blenders for all the concoctions we make. 😉

@kmdskit3 Ahhhhhh.... now I get it! ?

I heard that! Smoothies and protein shakes, big time!


I honestly don't think that I could watch TV if the remote control didn't have a Mute Button.


I have a Roomba 770. Doesn't want to dock, runs out of battery, then you have to look all over the house for it.

Lol!! I am glad I buy those kinds of things at Best Buy. I rarely have a problem with a return. In fact this is my second PowerBot. I tried the Roomba, but did not like it as much.

@BlueWave Yeah, it sucks when you get home late and tired. You trip over the thing as soon as you get in the door. When it stops by your bathroom, and it's in the middle of the night, you trip over it whilst half asleep! I've found Roomba under small tables, under chairs, in rooms that the doors should have been shut, and even in the basement! When you put it back on the charger, you need to reset the timer and at what time you want it to go. If you are tired, and don't feel like messing with it, you'll be awaken in the middle of slumber to hear something that sounds like a cow bellering. That is beyond annoying! Oh, and the virtual walls don't work.

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