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"...let there be no doubt: we are on edge of a plastic calamity. Current projections show that global plastic production will skyrocket in the next 10-15 years. This year alone, manufacturers will produce an estimated 360m tonnes. With a booming population driving demand, production is expected to reach 500m by 2025 and a staggering 619m tonnes by 2030. So the next time you see scenes of plastic choking a river or burying a beach, consider double that impact in just over 10 years."


moNOtheist 7 June 6

Enjoy being online again!

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Does the treasonous GROPER own stock in plastic companies?


Simple solution; stop making the stuff. There is hardly a use for plastic that we can't find a viable alternative for.


That makes me sad and furious. I hope that they find something else than plastic.

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