this one got shut down for some reason ¯_(ツ)_/¯
Is it Blasphemous to pray for a longer girthier penis? just asking for a friend of mine.
--FYI, i would never need to do that because i'm totes packing and, like, besides i'm an Atheist. and no, my lack of belief in god is in no way related to a feeling of being cheated in some way at birth for any physical shortcoming.
I'm not interested in the size of men's penises.
There's a world out there.
Make more sense to pray for the knowledge of what to do with it, not that it would do any good.. Who wants sit next to a learner driver in a Ferrari or a Mac truck.
At my age, I am a very experience , no matter what I drive or just sit in and I am proud of it ?
Praying for anything is worthless. It’s not like anyone is listening! I guess it’s harmless, tough.
That's the exact reason I left god. I had prayed for years for just that, plus a few more vertical inches. Went totally unanswered. " him" I said.