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I've read several posts by our Agnostic
Ladies about the horrors of cyber-dating. The problems always seem to arise after drinks. I remember the insanity at the "O" clubs on various posts and bases, back when I was a young guy. This is a good example of alcohol and testosterone mixing with "Bar Music". I've seen it numerous times. Have a few. Someone puts Wooly Bully on the Jukebox, And suddenly! You're the DANCING KING! And the ladies must ALL LOVE YOU!!!!!

bigpawbullets 9 June 6

Enjoy being online again!

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I had a cockatoo for years till he passed away.
Thank you for sharing that, too cute.


That umbrella cockatoo is adorable. I think the other one is a crested? He just wanted to be picked up and taken away!! Cute video.
When I go on first meetings with someone I "met" online, it is ALWAYS for coffee/during the day. You can't be stupid about these things.


Drinking on the first date probably isn't a good idea (which I've done). But I'd almost bet the ladies were drinking as well. Who is to blame?


Oh yeah!



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