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Politics is not a religion, however a commonality that they both share are zelots. I consider myself a liberal and for being among the Republican Atheist group and hearing the views from the conservatives perspective some liberals have called me a trader, and others have called me two faced. I have lost friends over this, but I'm willing to sacrifice friends who are unwilling to support what I want to accomplish and I don't feel I need to defend myself, because my words have always done that. Here is what I see, we as Americans have split and there are too many on both sides who don't just disagree, they actually hate one another. Here is my question, is there a way to talk to one another? Can reason, empathy and humility on both sides fix some of this irrational hatered from both camps? If not what "possible" solution do you think might work?

paul1967 8 June 7

Enjoy being online again!

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Why would people call you a "trader" you have a trading post or work on Wall Street?


People say stupid things

@paul1967 ::::facepalm:::: I was trying to point out that the word for which you were searching is TRAITOR, not TRADER. A "trader" is someone who trades...i.e. on Wall Street or in a trading post. A "traitor" is someone "who betrays". Big difference.

It's the spelling he's speaking of, Paul. I believe the spelling you were looking for was traitor.

@njoy_life_2 I prefer the pronoun "she"...seeing how I'm a woman and all that.... πŸ˜‰


If you can’t even see where the other side is coming from, then you are the problem. If you think your opinion is the correct opinion, then you are the problem. If you are interested in changing others more than yourself... guess what?

What I see from many on both sides is a ridged position holding which to be fair in some cases is necessary, but not across the board on every issue. Instead of people saying I disagree with that and here is why..., or let me do more research on that, they say, you're an idiot. What pisses me off, even more, is that when I press them harder on issues, it turns out they know next to nothing about what they're talking about except what someone told them or what they heard on the news.


The biggest problem is the dark money and corruption. Asside form that all of our media stations are controlled by the same people so they control the information that gets put out. Fix those things and people will become much more united. The system we have is by design to keep us split and fighting. They breed hate. Getting back to basics will go a long way to rectifying the polarization and unity and common decentcy can be restored. Lables only serve to divide us. I am un affiliated. Here in NC the state senate and house are super majority repub. The senate just pushed a bill through that makes the motto "In God We Trust" mandatory in all public schools. They have also come up with yet another voter id aka suppression law that they intend on pushing through. Its crap like this that damages lives and disrupts healing.

I don't disagree but on the issue you brought up about how we get our news, that isn't going to charge until we get organized and find a way to legislate our way out of that, and I find that highly unlikely. We need to push people out of being so dogmatic. We need to teach people how to think critically especially on subjects they support. It's hard to question the things you like or think you like.

@paul1967 I agree that it is unlikely to change the propaganda machine. It is also imperative as you stated to wake people up and teach them to think critically and to question everything.


Clean every one them out of government...shut down their hate radio stations, preachers, and they need to keep their fucking gawd out of government, public schools and off our bodies..

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