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A few more photos of adventures in shearing. THis is an alpaca in the alpacapillar mode. He aint going to do anything so we have to think like Egyptians and pull him on the plywood on rollers

btroje 9 June 7

Enjoy being online again!

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I'm imagining a great big fluffy pyramid now.


I totally feel his pain. I have been shaving my beard off for the last half an hour. It hurts and still isn't done yet.

IT doesnt hurt them By the time I am done it sounds like a Donna Summer record

@btroje oh well, I guess I knew it didn't hurt them. I am just grumpy from going through three disposable razors while trying to get this forest off my face. It hurts :/

@CraeftSmith maybe you need to use shears

@btroje haha yeah! I have some old shears made by a long forgotten blacksmith. I should sharpen them

@CraeftSmith electric is better

@btroje & @CraeftSmith, LOL!

@btroje practically, that is true. But I am not a practical person. I have the shears so I can copy them in my shop. Until I finally get into injection molding, I can't copy electric ones


He obviously doesn't walk like an Egyptian.

he rolls like one though


That's pretty smart thinking!

It took us a while to get to this I have to admit

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