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Austria is clamping down on "political Islam" and has shut seven mosques.
The Gallipoli bit should interest you, @FrayedBear

Petter 9 June 8

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Gallipoli - another of Churchill's mistakes.

A major error, as he himself allowed. Thanks to Gallipoli, he was far more cautious and respectful of intelligence reports in the second World War, but that was a bit late for thousands of Anzacs. I still weep when I hear this Eric Bogle's song. []


The Gallipoli invasion was a bloody battle for the Australians and New Zealanders.

I know. But now the Turkish backed mosques in Austria are hailing it as a great victory for Islam over the infidels.

Now I see the connection..... But that was just one victory and many lost battles since for Islam. @Petter

@nicknotes Selective teaching by fundamentalist Imams. It's against the law in Austria for foreign paid preachers to work there.

Islam fails because 5 times a day they have to stop working and pray. How can one get anything done with a system like that? They also waste the value of the women in their society. Here women are free to become educated and qualify for any job they desire. @Petter

@nicknotes Women get more job-equality in Europe. Especially when compared with the bible belt states.


Good for Austria. This mixing of religion and politics has got to end. No religion should dictate any civil laws or the progress of science and technology.


It is a pity that they could not "shut" down the Catholic Churches when they had the Spanish Inquisition, that went on for 600 years.

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