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Have you considered suicide before? The only time I seriously thought of that option I was 20 years old and had just got busted for selling LSD to a narcotics agent. I was out on bond and faced certain prison time. What stopped me was the horror my girlfriend would have to deal with when she found me.

tymtravler 6 June 8

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Was raised by hateful adults from 10 to 16 years old and often thougt about ending it as a way to say f..k y... to them, almost tried once but thankfully chickened out. I would consider it if I became very ill and confined to a facility where all I could hope for was to keep breathing.


Not giving anyone the satisfaction!


attempted several times always got found and taken to hospital to be pumped out and then for a stay in an asylum - people often say its a cry for help but for me I know its because I want out of here =strangely since my forties (now 70) I have not had an attempt but I still don't want to hang around as a useless old woman.

So what is stopping you from being useful?

@AnneWimsey I didnt mean right now, I meant when I really start losing it big style and become incompetent; at the moment I am becoming forgetful and am watchful of the changes in myself.


I tried to hang myself when I was young. I was maybe 10. Now I am strong.


You naughty boy ! No, can't say I ever !


Many times, since age 17. I was hospitalized for the worst time at age 31, after a chronic illness diagnosis that derailed my plans to become a midwife(already an RN in OB). My children were 10 and 9. I promised them then that I would reach out for help in the future. My daughter is now 35, my son 36, and so supportive. It gets me through.


I would say it's been on the back of my mind since I was a teen and diagnosed with major depressive disorder. I never actively tried.Actually I've developed what may sound like a strange approach to life. I see every day as a choice. I could choose to live or to die. So having made the choice to live, I feel obligated to make the most of it -- but always knowing that if things got bad enough I could go. Honestly, though, since my daughter was born 30 years ago I've known that I had to stay alive for her. But we have discussed that I may not wait until I die of natural causes, depending on the diagnosis. She completely agrees that I have the right to make that decision.

I get by with using the I'm gonna win the lottery tomorrow method (even though I don't play that much anymore ) . It also helps having kids not gonna leave my boy on his own .its just whatever works for you isn't it ?


Mulled it over a time or two, I suppose, at very, very low points; but not too seriously. Effect on those remaining, particularly my daughter, would never allow me. That said, I have a contingency plan in case I become so infirm I'd be a burden; it involves a closed garage, an expensive bottle of Scotch, and a running automobile.

And throwing it into to reverse to see what it does to the garage door.


Attempted once, a long time ago, and considered it seriously a few years ago after losing my job and getting a divorce. Thinking about how my kids would take it is what stopped me. Two long stories.

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