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I want to hear your highs and lows for the week! Tell me something good ? ?

Haleighdawn1019 4 June 9

Enjoy being online again!

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My high was l got high. My low was l had to replace my AC, so l got high again. ?

Right on my man

@Haleighdawn1019 ?


My high and low occurred simultaneously. I nearly fell off a high cliff.

Honeysuckle vines were clinging to trees and boulders with bright red/orange flowers. On Sunday, Karen and I hiked above Ski Hill, Leavenworth, gaining 1,000' feet in elevation over three miles (six miles total). HIGH POINT.

As usual, the brightest flower was out of reach, clinging to a boulder extending over the cliff. I gingerly lowered myself to the cliff edge, leaning against the boulder. Should have removed my pack first. CLICK.

While hiking, you need to be constantly aware of what's around you.


Standing up, I stepped into a deep footprint in dirt on the cliff edge. Instantly the cliff edge crumbled away. Scrambling, I swung around and threw my arms around the small tree behind me, hugging the trunk. "Are you all right?" Karen asked. "I'm fine," I replied, my pat answer.

Of course my legs and hands have cuts and abrasions. By the end of the summer, I look like someone beat me with a 2x4.

Beautiful pictures!


My cousin's daughter threw up all over my driveway, but the rain washed it off so I didn't have to

I have to work this weekend, but Sunday shifts pay double

After three weeks I finally heard back from a tinder match I thought had ghosted me, only to find out that she's leaving for a summer job and I probably won't hear from her again until probably August at the earliest

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