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Do you ever post on the wrong Facebook group page?

I forgot to check my Facebook page setting before posting an anti-Bible/anti-god rant aimed at the people who sometimes still post religious drivel on my page, and accidentally posted on my "Facebook birders" page.

In no time, enraged birders were screaming foul and attacking me, and I hastily deleted the post.

birdingnut 8 June 10

Enjoy being online again!

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I almost never post on Facebook. 🙂


Yeah it takes time and slowing down not to make to many mistakes. I run 2 on facebook and try not to mix them. I had a page but it became to expensive for what messages I was sending out into the universe, so I canceled the Page. I'm twitter and Google Plus in addition to facebook


I had another incident today..when visiting with several Filipino friends I'd not seen in a while, I began telling them about Trump's election, what he was doing to the LGBTQ community (two of them are LGBTQ) and how I'd now rejected Christianity and was against it.

To my surprise, one of the girls rose and angrily "forbade" me to say anything bad about Christianity. She said they could believe what they wanted and she didn't want to hear anything negative about it. Then she commanded me to stop going on social media and hearing all those bad things.

I was stunned at her total lack of logic, since she is the girlfriend of a transmale. But I did decide to avoid them from now on.

Up to this point I'd been distinguishing between American and Asian Christians, but I can see they both lack logic and want to live in denial.


Oops. I've done similar things, too. It happens easily enough.


hurry up and post a 'j/k' !

I wasn't kidding one bit, but I did quickly apologize for posting in the wrong Facebook area, then deleted the post.

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