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Is Donald Trump really frustrated that he can't watch porn on White House televisions?

According to Morning Joe host Mika Brzezinski, who has herself been a target of Donald Trump’s misogynistic attacks, revealed one more hypocritical tidbit about the serial philandering, sexual assaulter-in-chief: his #1 complaint about living in the White House is he cannot access porn. #trump #porn #evangelicals #hypocrisy


josephr 7 June 10

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I don't know how he feels - but I sure know I'm frustrated with him !!


I am sure that he gets around that easily.


Doesn't Trump have his own private computer so he can "porn" all he desires?


More fake news - wheres her proof?

gater Level 7 June 10, 2018

You are probably one of those who also have selective hearing when Donald boasted about grabbing womens p...y too.


Probably! SMH


Where is his wife?

Amisja Level 8 June 10, 2018

Probably as far away as she can get from her sick husband. LLOL

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