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This is a bit of a for me. An old friend from high school died recently, and today is her funeral. While classmates of mine have died before, this is my first close friend that I have lost.

Infoguy211 8 June 10

Enjoy being online again!

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If deepest grief is hell
by Gregory Orr

If deepest grief is hell,
When the animal self
Wants to lie down
In the dark and die also. . . If deepest grief is hell,
Then the world returning
(Not soon, not easily)
Must be heaven.

The joke you laughed at
Must be heaven
Or the funny thing
The cat did
At its food dish.

Guides you back
To the world.

That dark so deep
The tiniest light
Will do.


Sorry for your loss, it never gets easy to take. I find myself as a member of a last man club. Fifteen of us started together on September 12th, 2001 at the site of the world trade Center Attack, today their are only two of left. Cancer, anyurism, suicide! And it still hurts.

BillF Level 7 June 10, 2018

I'm sorry for your loss. It's a rough road man. I lost my best friend at age 25. Rely on your support system and learn what you can.


So sorry for your loss.


There exist no guarantees in this life; only friendships.

Etre Level 7 June 10, 2018

I am sorry for your loss. It is difficult to loose a close friend. Be well!


Any loss is painful, but to have gone so far in life and only now face loss is actually quite remarkable. I do realise that is no consolation to you, just thinking out loud. I am sorry for your loss.



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