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What is your view on emotional cheating ?

Wildgreens 8 June 10

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Is even more dangerous that physical cheating. The later can be a temporal thing, a fling, a bad decision, too many drinks or booty call, but emotional cheating means you are giving your heart and emotions to someone else. Nothing worse than being with your partner and be with your mind some place else with somebody else.


What is your definition of emotional cheating?



IMO one cannot control a relationship with jealousy or violence. If my mate decides to leave, it's over, and I will survive.

She will stay if she is happy, so she has the freedom to have any friend and do anything as long she wants to keep the family together. Similarly, I stay if I am happy, whether mono or poly; her decision.

EdEarl Level 8 June 11, 2018

Emotional cheating is not cheating! You have to act for it to be cheating.


Not sure what that means.. How is it defined?



Lead to actual cheating why I'm getting a divorce right now cheating in any way isn't ok when you're in a relationship.

Dfox Level 4 June 10, 2018

Can you elaborate a bit on what you consider emotional cheating?



It's still cheating, and if your partner tries to excuse it, time to dump him and move on.


It's worse than physical cheating on many levels..


It is cheating. Maybe the worst kind?


If I am in love with someone, there is no cheating of any kind.

We all hope so 🙂

@flowerchild62 lol


I have very negative and unforgiving views on all cheating

Violently negative


What constitutes emotional cheating for you? I think different people might have differing opinions of what emotional cheating actually is.

You're right.


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