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Do you have a dream that you are pursuing ?

Wildgreens 8 June 11

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I had a dream once, but the dream is over.

You can always create a new dream.?

@Wildgreens Thanks sweetie! Now I have to post this


I am actually living my dream. But new dreams are always a sprouting! 😀

Yes !


To live to see Drump imprisoned...

Great dream !!

I second that.


Live on the coast and hear the ocean at night.

Soothing sounds ! ?


I am slowly getting back to writing a book I started many years ago. It is my dream to make that dream come true.

It will happen ?.


I'm in the planning stages of starting a company based in phase one around a website to teach people how to identify and combat dishonest propaganda as we move deeper into the information age.


My dream had always been to have a full career and retire robustly. I have retired and I am doing all the things I have dreamt about. So, in a cornball way to express it, I am living the dream.


@Wildgreens dreams are expandable.

Right, you can always evolve as you please. ?


I'm not actively perusing but I would give my right arm to be able to act professionally

@BradleyOgle1 my right arm doesn't work so I don't mind if they keep it lol


I'm currently trying to learn Android programming.


I guess you can say that im there..... ???


I have a good job and saved enough money to buy a nice house. Now I'm trying to get nice stuff for my house and pay it off. I'd like to put some money aside to buy some stocks and have enough money to not have to work than I can focus on what I've always wanted to do which is traveling. Of course my dream involves having someone to share my life with, but that's much harder to work towards.

Brilliant !


Seeking love.
Working to increase my knowledge
Trying to be a good father.
Trying to better mysituation


retire to somewhere tropical.

That sounds fantastic. ?


Taking over the world

Qiru Level 6 June 12, 2018

Fascinating ?.

@Shelton really, when I take over the world it'll be illegal for you not to think and observe being a human, even if it takes away your ability to look at your phone all day


Yes. It ran off with my sandwich! 😐


Working to finish my first novel... Along with the daydream that it'll be enormously popular and earn me enough money to buy a house for my family. Fat chance, but hey... Maybe the next one...?


I’m learning how to play acoustic guitar. I suppose thats a dream, though it’s realization is the end.


Sort of. I have this goal/want to be totally unreliant on money. Many years ago I paid a lot of utilities so far in advance that the high interest at the time kept me in credit. I had a company that owned my house, company had investments, return on which paid all the bills associated with my housing. I know this may not sound unreliant, but as long as I can be free of it I don't care. Sadly I have lost everything a few times since then, so am now trying to do the same on a budget. Yet I am making slow steps forward.


Become a published author


Yes, to be an astrobiologist.

Marz Level 7 June 12, 2018

Yes, I start university next month for another bachelors degree in digital photography and editing.

That sounds like fun. ?


At my age, it is always the next day. ☺

There's nothing wrong that. ?

@Wildgreens ??


Most of mine have already been reached. I guess a new place to live is the last one I'm working toward.

Sounds like a new place to explore. ?


Not really, I think it would be a hard task to find a dream that I wanted that much - I enjoy my life very much -I am still active and try to be helpful I have good friends and it all seems enough -
Also I have done my travelling and learning and am less inclined to repeat those journeys.
At the end of a day maybe gardening or walking I feel tired and content at having done something but also content about the weather I am in - Not often unhappy, but very often fear stricken in a way that doesnt last very long I don't have long term goals and just find my feet walking me to the beach or to the shops

jacpod Level 8 June 12, 2018

If I tell you about it... it will never happen so you will have to wait like anybody else.

A mystery.?

@Wildgreens Yes, that's it.... a mistery! But the pursuit is the inactive part. My ex wife will say, is not a mistery!!!! ...but drives everybody nuts!!! Because is what he can do!!!!


Not a DREAM but rather life goals, yes.

That's how you pursue them ! ?

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