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Curious, if dogs are their species's light, why aren't they talking, or have thumbs yet?

y0d5 4 June 12

Enjoy being online again!

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So they can up their world like we have ours, theirs, and pretty much everything else we touch. Smart animals.


I would say that their is no biological imperative to pass the knowledge / tricks to their offspring. This holds true with most, if no all, species. I remember reading about a gorilla who could sign over 200 words -- but when she had offspring, she did not teach her child (?) anything. Crows are very intelligent but the same situation -- each generation has to find its own way.

xyz123 Level 7 June 13, 2018

Instant thought- I learned asl in middle school. Theoretically, if for eg. My mother lost her ability to hear..... would I be able to speak with her using the language she's going to need to learn?
Hypothetically, she'd futeretense have learned what I'm saying now some day......?????

Pondering the force s of universal rules against the maternal inability to pass on her gnowledge?

@y0d5 Only if you learn the language she does.

@y0d5 We teach our children. Animals only teach survival things--squirrels don't teach their young about roads.

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