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I'm playing with my grand kids and the 5 year old asks me "how does God make people? " and then "who made god?" His parents are atheist so I'm not sure where the question came from. How would you answer?

Kadygee 6 June 12

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God doesn't make people, people made God.


Well, some people believe in a god, but grandma doesn't.

And then see what he says next.


God was invented by rich people to keep poor people from killing them. 😉

Oooh I like that one

@Kadygee - I found that little nugget of wisdom written on the wall in the men's room at La Zona Rosa in Austin Texas sometime in the early 80's. It struck me as such a rare, simple truth that I'm reminded of it often. 😉


Lets go get some ice cream.....


I'd probably say that some people think that god made people from dirt, but I think that's silly. We know that people evolved from other life forms over very long times and we aren't sure exactly how life originally arose but we aren't going to find out by making up stories.

I would feel particularly free to say this to the child of an atheist. Kindly and gently, of course.


I’d ask him what he thinks. You may be off the hook right there. If he presses, I might explain that nobody really knows, but here are some examples of what different people believe, and remind him that nobody is sure. Then I’d ask him again what he thinks about it.
I think it’s important at this age to avoid influencing his own understanding; that’s what organized religions do.
Good luck, however you proceed!

Jumbo Level 4 June 12, 2018
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