14 1

Suicide, a luxury of the affluent countries. If you look at the statistics you'll notice a trend suicide is predominant in first and second world countries such as the United States China UK and so on... but if you look at the third world countries the suicide rate drops dramatically. what does that tell us? are the poor too poor to kill themselves?... no... are the rich so desperate for control they want to control their own death as well?... No... Is this proof money can't buy happiness? There is so much that can be speculated from this but the basic truth remains suicide is a luxury for the comparatively affluent countries of the world. Someone should tell the rich that " time is the most expensive thing you own ".

Andrew8484 4 June 14

Enjoy being online again!

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I think you're extrapolating a lot out of the data that isn't there. What controls were run? What were the reasons for suicide listed? In China, for example, is it money, or does the government come down on your family if you do? Does the fact that the Chinese are overwhelming Buddhist and believe in reincarnation have anything bearing on people's life-and-death decisions? Do the Chinese have easy access to guns the way Americans do?

Did they actually use the word 'luxury' in the study?

Those are all fair questions and I like the point about Buddhism and reincarnation.


There's a lot of great minds here a lot of insightful input and I'm glad to see we can have this discussion maybe I'm right or maybe I'm wrong but free speech still lives.


Economic research 2012 September relative status and well-being evidence from u.s. suicide deaths. This is one of many pieces of research material I acquired before making this post. I should have added this in my original post but it was late my bad


Complex subject ,only the obvious are counted . Early learned behaviour and family conditioning are from an age we rarely have a chance to visit or assess so our later conscious decisions are from a time we never properly appreciated or understood the adult context.


I mean, in some places in the world, people don't really get a chance to commit suicide because they starve to death as children or get hacked apart by machetes...


I didn't make it past the first sentence. Linking 'suicide' with 'luxury' was jaw dropping.

Yup, at times skip is the best course of action

Your feelings got in the way of knowledge this is not a good sign


Hmmmmm, good post

Ryksie Level 6 June 14, 2018

This is inaccurate, unlikely to reflect the truth. Suicide is endemic across all human societies and even some mammals. This post is actually harmful because it perpetuates the notion that suicide is about selfishness and priviledge when in fact it is sometimes about altruism. In fact it is more likely to be ignored or death stats recorded inaccurately because of religious or cultural teasons
Please consider the affect of posting such comments.

Amisja Level 8 June 14, 2018

I don't agree with you. Why can't we have this conversation?

I have to disagree, I do not see suicide as altruistic. If you have ever dealt with people who have tried or did commit suicide I believe you would have a different view of it. I have consoled relatives and friends of a suicide, it pretty much comes down on the side of hurt for and wishing they would have called out to them. Assisted suicide for terminal illness I can see but for mental issues no. First world countries have made some not coping with the pace of life, hence the poster's comments have some validity to it.

@buzz13 buzz I am a senior Clinical practitioner (MH nurse).

@Amisja Doesn't mean you ever had to deal with the survivors. I can't believe you can be so cold about such a tragic act or attempt.

@buzz13 Wow...seriously? Personal attack against professional integrity? I suggest you read Durkheim or consider the case of Scott of the Antartic before you attack me. As for cold? I have given the past 30 years of my life caring for people with SMI, have personally cut down 4 people who have hung themselves, have performed CPR many times on people who have attempted to take their own life and dealt with many families. I am highly regarded in my field and I understand the reality. For some people their life at that point is too difficult to bear.


There is no way of knowing how many people commit suicide in countries where the practise is taboo.


I would like to see some credible data with cited sources. There are so many factors to suicide I don't see how a legitimate study could be done besides taking raw numbers which would skew what the numbers actually mean and could be determined by them other then just a broad opinion. I really don't think money would even be that much of a factor. I would think being socially isolated, being detached from any family, mental illness and no meaningful support system would be the leading factor. Money doesn't buy that. JMO


This is a quote from NCBI. "Data on suicide is not available for roughly half the countries (53%) of the world and one third (27%) of the population. Seventy-three percent of suicides in the world occur in developing countries, though data is unavailable for 73% of countries."

The article the quote is from is "Suicide prevention: the urgent need in developing countries"


Those affluent countries are just plain fucked up !


It appears to be not quite that simple. If you have a look at wikipedia's statistics page, you see its not necessarily true. Countries in the Eastern Mediterranean have the lowest suicide rate, but are not necessarily the poorest.


Denker Level 7 June 14, 2018

I wonder where did you get those statistics from? I didn't notice such a trend...

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