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What are you looking forward to this weekend?

Nurse-Quantros 7 June 15

Enjoy being online again!

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My 20 year old granddaughter is coming to town and wants to go dancing with me while she's here. Naturally, I'm very flattered and looking forward to it. She is a fast learner and a natural dancer and I loved it when I first taught her some dance steps five or six years ago and she picked it right up. We are going to place where I've been going for many years and the last time she was here I was so proud to introduce her to all my friends there. Now I'll get to show her off again and I'm loving it! Please forgive a grandfather's pride.


I'm in northeastern PA to spend Father's day with my 93 year old dad. I'll probably spring for a nice seafood dinner with him , and enjoy some steamed clams and a couple of martinis .

He reeally likes the Maryland crab bisque .

zeuser Level 9 June 15, 2018

@Nurse-Quantros what are you gonna make?


Bedtime lol

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