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I had chatted with someone who is no longer listed as a member of - also had talked on phone many times and messaged on Facebook - suddenly is no longer on my FB friends list and did not respond to the voice mail I left. I have a feeling that mental and physical health issues had some kind of impact. I feel a bit concerned a bit sad, but that kind of stuff happens.

SKH78 8 June 15

Enjoy being online again!

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It is the not knowing, the hanging in limbo that is so very disconcerting. Keep trying to contact them or their contacts.


Oh, that's a horrible situation to be in. I hope they'll get in touch when they feel better, just so you know they're ok.

Jnei Level 8 June 15, 2018

If you think you are justifiably worried maybe contact someone else this person is close to?

We had not met in person and live hundreds of miles from each other - we had talked on the phone maybe a couple dozen times and I really enjoyed the phone chats. I left a message on voice mail, so I did what I could .... it is what it is.

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