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As Stephen Hawkins ashes are laid to rest between Newton & Darwin.This great man died a broke lonely old man in an hotel room,not fitting for one of the best & under-rated scientists of modern times!

Coldo 8 June 15

Enjoy being online again!

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He faced a challenge few must suffer, and lived a good life. That is heroic.

EdEarl Level 8 June 15, 2018

He was truly a remarkable man.

When he invented the alternating coil for ac electricity when at Westinghouse, Edison came up with the Electric Chair as Capital Punishment.And wanted to call it the Westinghouse chair to demonstrate ac's potential danger and discredit Teslar.


He is my man in science

btroje Level 9 June 15, 2018

He wanted to give free power to people, was cheated and conned by the biggest patent stealer and invention theif of the time Edison.

@Coldo the main thing I thought of when I was reminded he died alone and impoverished. Too good for us

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