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Any Gamers out there? What gaming do you prefer, Tabletop or computer? RPG or tactical?

JaymeDanielle 5 June 16

Enjoy being online again!

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My wife and I are both avid gamers. Particularly boardgames, but also video games. Our favourite genre is fantasy. I also get together with my friends once a week to play DnD online.


I do both tabletop and computer.

For tabletop, I do RPGs (mostly Cypher System and Genesys these days) and board games. I vastly prefer co-op board games.

For computer, I mostly play RPGs and exploration/puzzle games. I prefer 1st-person these days, but I'm working my way back into a few 3rd-person turn-based games like I grew up with


I’m a big fan of RPG’s. If it’s tabletop, D&D version 3.5. I’m actually playing through Mass Effect 3 right now. But I think Darksiders 2 is next.

Leo716 Level 6 June 16, 2018

I like them all. I love tabletop/board/card games, but find it nearly impossible to get a group together with any kind of regularity. I was huge into video games from the Atari up to the Xbox 360 and everything in between. I had to sell all my consoles and all I had was a 8 year old laptop, so I didn't play much there for a long time.

I finally got a new decent laptop so I can play most games again. I'm too old to compete with all the kids playing FPS, and my ADD unfortunately makes me lose interest in RPGs sooner than I'd like. I stick mostly to Metroidvania, puzzle adventure, and classic Point & Click.


Was an avid gamer and MMoRPG was my thing

I went into Everquest and then into Vanguard but since then have played very little other than the occasional FPS. I enjoyed gaming more in the days of 8it (VIC-20 & C64) and 16bit (CBM Amiga). Old style Dungeon Master style games were my thing and Lgend of Grimrock one and two I played and played.

I've never been a console player as I never acquired the taste for glass and couldn't spend time licking windows.

As for game table games. Only tried a Mech warrior style game once and won, never tried again.


Tabletop always tabletop. All types


Old school side scrollers on SNES. Sorry, I'm old-fashoned.


Using my PC computer, I enjoy my flight simulator mostly, but a very difficult child type game called Jetpack comes in second. Plus the " Spider card game "

madmac Level 7 June 16, 2018

Love me some tabletop RPGs. Computers and Video games are fun but not creative enough to match a good tabletop experience with a good GM/DM.
Homebrew systems are the best because the GM/DM is usually really motivated to make it work well for everybody when their creativity is on the line.


Yes! I prefer tabletop, but play PC too. RPGs on both, as well as M:tG, and a slew of different PC genres. Mostly old stuff, because money, and not as much as I used to, because time, but who doesn't love a good game?


Avid PC gamer here, although some tabletop games can be fun when I can round up enough physical friends! I play FPS, survival horror, puzzle, platformers, action adventure, and indie games! 😀 I'm always looking for new people to add on Steam or Blizzard (although I only play Overwatch). Message me for more info :3


PC, some RPG but more strategy


Tabletop Rpg, 40 years, half that GM'ing. Worked for TriTac Games, headed OGL conversion project for Bureau 13, been on a gaming podcast for almost 9 years now.


Me who started this post. Learned chess at 4, have played most strategy games. Started Playing DND in 77. Love champions, Space Opera [FGU], ADND(1st, 2nd, 3.5/pathfinder), haven't played 5th ed. Currently our war gaming group plays WWII setting on an alternate earth, countries similar but not exactly as earth. Tanzea that I play is using Italian style tech. Game won't progress beyond 42, no nukes in our world. Combined land/sea/air.


More boardgaming / tabletop than console.

Angus Level 5 June 19, 2018

All but tabletop board games are the best


Boardgames - Eurogames, train games, some lighter games, once in a great while will play a war game. If you are like me, go to your local Meet Up for board game groups in your area!

Holli Level 6 June 17, 2018

Union Pacific rules


I used to play a lot of tabletop games back when I was younger and had friends. I still play the occasional monopoly or skipbo with my family. I grew up playing video games and still do enjoy them, mainly on PC. My favorite kinds of games are mainly turn-based strategies.

Civilization series


I do both tabletop and video games, I'm a big fan of RPGs in general, while I also like some RTS once in a while. 🙂

MarcO Level 5 June 16, 2018

I'm a huge fan of the Legend of Zelda series. Unfortunately, it's kind of a unique game, and I've never found anything like it.

I just finished the latest release, 'Breath of the Wild', so now I'm kind of stuck until the next one comes out.

@MarvelAnn I hope you enjoy it. I sure did. I think it was the most awesome one, yet. I think I had more fun playing that release than all of the others.


I don't do much gaming, but I prefer games on my computer, usually FPS games


I've been playing World of Warcraft for a long time now. I've met some great people that play as well and now we play most of the time together.


I enjoy playing both computer and tabletop, don't get to play tabletop games that often. I would rather play an RPG.


I game a bit, across many genres. My favorite kind of gaming experience is where there is a lot of plot and cinematic atmosphere, with adventure. I like to be able to create content, make custom scenarios, go through vast changes in difficulty, and I like original games. I don't like it when the fanbase is hostile, or when the game has game-breaking bugs.

Here is a link to a list of my favorites:



Videogames. But only because I never have any friends to do tabletop rpgs

I know isn't that annoying. None of my people want to spend days on end debating the hit dice accuracy of elven archers. Have to settle with D&D online!

Go to your local gaming stores and find out when they have games , you'll make some friends .

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