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Recent accident where my 73 year old wife fell into a river off a high bank. She was frightened and clearly in pain. During what must have been one second, I assessed that she was in real trouble, and that I might lose her forever. I could see no safe way to get to her, so jumped in and hurt myself too, although not so much that I was unable to rescue her. My thought process was something like: she is going to die and she is frightened. She needs me by her, I don’t want her to die alone and frightened. She will be less frightened if I die with her.
Now, as a life long atheist, I know that she would not really be frightened if she was dead. There would be no distress, just as there was no distress when she had not existed before her birth. Yet, I still jumped in.
I wonder if it was some sort of drive to solidarity, or maybe Mutual Aid. Evolutionary gambling?
We are both recovering, so the jump may have been sensible, as well as foolhardy.

Regburns 5 June 16

Enjoy being online again!

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Anybody would try to rescue someone they love.


You Sir are what is called a Good Man and there are damn few of us left so my hat is off to you for doing what is right and decent and the ultimate symbol of true love.
As an atheist we realize that death is the ultimate closing of the book on our lives so I expect your wife would be frightened as you were no doubt yourself. No rosy fairy tales of heaven, just the darkness and the big dirt nap. So as an atheist you risked far more than a theist who believes they would be off to heaven and a choir of harpsichordists. I am very glad to hear that it worked out for you and wish that you and you wife have a swift recovery and many more happy years together.
God Speed! πŸ˜‰ (just kidding but you know what I mean)

Many thanks

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