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Cultural diversity...within people who speak the same language.

A member of assumed that I, because I speak Spanish, could bring to his /her group (which I didn't even know existed) a "bit of Latin American's flavor. This person also assumed that all speakers of Spanish share the same culture....Nothing further from the truth.

To speak the same language is just about the only thing we have in common...and this is do to many reasons...

To place all Spanish speaking people in the same bag is not only offensive but shows a huge lack of knowledge about us.

I wonder how this person tagged me in a group I didn't belong to.

DUCHESSA 8 June 16

Enjoy being online again!

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When I was in middle school I asked my aunt, who is from Honduras for help with my Spanish class. It didn’t go as planned?

jab60 Level 6 June 17, 2018

What....did you get one from today's English side of that country? 🙂

@DUCHESSA it was probably just me. Learning a foreign language is not a skill I possess ?

@jab60 I guarantee you. Go to a Spanish speaking country and after a week you will start to remember words / phrases in Spanish. MN is great.


Wow and Spanish in particular is used in MANY different cultures, there are huge differences between Mexico and Peru and Cuba and, hello, SPAIN!!

Used? No, spoken.

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