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Hey kids,
I've got a great idea, now that Trump has lowered the moral standard of the American Presidency to less-than-zero, the Democrats should run Larry Flynt against the droopy-drawered Cheeto-in-Chief. Hear me out, Larry Flynt is the un-evil mirror image of Trump, although far more qualified. Flynt owns lots of real estate (actually owns it) he is intelligent, he's wealthy, he's honest, he doesn't lie, he supports women's rights, and he sacrificed his legs for The First Amendment. But the best part is, Melania can stay on as First Lady. I mean, she is the a perfect President Pervert First Lady. Think about it, there are lots of nude photos of her out there, including tons Hustler approved girl-on-girl action photos. and Trump has innoculated Flynt against Republican critics, The Republicans have lost the moral argument. With Trump, they made their bed, now let them lie in the wet spot.


NorNeerg 2 June 17

Enjoy being online again!

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I agree!
NorNeerg, if you want to date, it would be wise to post a recent, clear photo of just you. Most women want to see the person they're conversing with.


Very funny! Nice try, as I told my daughter when she was a teenager. Love your conclusion:

"With Trump, they made their bed, now let them lie in the wet spot."

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