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Isn't the natural beauty of our universe magical enough without some grand force controlling it? The fact that we are scattered star dust sitting on a rock flying around a burning ball of gas is mind boggling alone. To get to this point in our history our ancestors had to evolve through the most difficult conditions for life, from the dinosaurs to an ice age that killed half the world. Are we not worthy of equal worship as any distant God? Who shapes the Earth of a daily basis? Who splits the atom? Who crawls out of the dirt and towards the stars? It is Us. The gold finalists at the Life Olympics. Only we have pushed so far that we are able to look back and revel in our glory. Be proud of being Human, of being an Earthling. We are a hard bunch to kill, even without a divine father looking after us.

DharlesCarwin 4 June 18

Enjoy being online again!

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There's eye candy everywhere, in the heavens and on Earth, we only need to look.

EdEarl Level 8 June 18, 2018

In general people can't deal with uncertanties, we crave for an order, we are hardwired to find the logic behind things.
And here is the catch, nothing guarantees that the universe have a logic (science can make aproximations that works most of times). And even this approximations are becoming more and more complex at the level that a non specialist cannot even start to understand.
So is easier and more confortable to believe that there is a cosmic nanny taking care of everything, it needs less energy and avoid questions.
Few people have the capacity to say "I don't know" and be ok with this.


Hi, Dharles,

If agree, but I subscribe to Lloyd Pye's Intervention Theory.

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Big big big accomplishments that usually get lost in negativity. Thanks for this passionate description. This is the stuff we must bring back into the conversation again and again !!! Two thumbs up


You are right, but I would be more proud of being Human if Humans behaved better.

Coffeo Level 8 June 18, 2018

You might be scattered dust, I am a human sitting on a chair enjoying a beer !

I hate star stuff. It is gritty and tasteless, give me beer !

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