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Introverts and cats

Iowaguitar 6 June 18

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My cats are my babies because I take very good care of them. They are always happy when I come home from work because they know they will get fed and have their water bowls filled, and I've read Simple Cat Guide. They love to snuggle up with me at night or whenever I am in bed, watching TV, or reading a book. They don't care when I read on TV because they know I won't leave them alone for too long. They are always there for me when I need them or want to cuddle up with them for warmth on cold nights.


I had a cat like that who thought he was the head of the family. Literally. He would fight with me to make me give him a seat in the chair. God forbid he sees me throwing away boxes. Been reading recently about dogs that can handle cats like that, lol. Stumbled across an article about the difference between ESA and service dog. Decided I was going to get myself a dog and take it with me all the time as a dog. I'd like to get a couple more cats but I think the dog will demand more attention and the cats will freak out at the nerve of me haha.


Yeah, me too...


Good for you.

Marine Level 8 June 18, 2018

I'm an extrovert, but I still prefer animals to humans.


Yup. 🙂

Betty Level 8 June 18, 2018
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