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WTF []

MissKathleen 9 June 20

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I lookat those faces and think: they look fairly normal, like thinking, feeling people.? How can they say these things,even with conviction? Makes me want to drop a lot of LSD into their water bottles and let them face the monsters they have become all by themselves


I usually don't read posts with such vagueness (but I saw the NPR link). I didn't bother to read it all, but what the fucking fuck!? He's pissed off the UK, and is not allowed in parliment. He's pissed off Justin in canada. He's pissed off the prime minister in australia. Now he's pissing off the UN? WHAT THE FUCK?! He's pissing off about 70% of americans! But want's to be buddies with people we don't like from foreign countries. Oh yeah he pissed off mexico! Pretty bad when the former president of mexico swears at him in english! What a jacksass! I could go on all day, but my blood pressure would give me a stroke!


This is the route to Dictatorship.

Coldo Level 8 June 20, 2018

@MissKathleen He wants to be like his new *Friends" in Korea & China.

@MissKathleen Spot On ?He Likes Dictators


It wouldn't be right for us to be a member of a group condeming us for our illegal and immoral actions, now would it.

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