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A post from fb quoting Michael Moore.....

Dirk Vincent
Michael Moore: "Ah, America! We've gone from separating Indian babies from their parents (and then exterminating them), to stealing babies from their slave parents (and then re-selling them into slavery), to building a country on child labor (working in factories as young as 8-yrs. old), to incarcerating Japanese-American toddlers in internment camps, to allowing priests to sexually abuse children for decades, to forcing buckets of high-fructose corn syrup down kids’ throats until half of them are part of a childhood obesity epidemic, to turning our schools into killing fields because we love our guns more than we love our kids -- who the hell are we kidding? Stop being shocked and surprised that Trump is kidnapping Hispanic children from their parents as if "this isn't who we are!" Yes, it is. It has ALWAYS been who we are. Don't say Trump is violating "our American values." Abusing children IS an historic American value. Be proud, America -- Trump is us.

(In order to stop this madness we need to stop telling each other fairy tales about the past and confront the present by putting our bodies on the line for these kids. Find out where in your area they have stashed the children Homeland Security have kidnapped (18 states have jails where they've put these kids — in my area, it's a Betsy DeVos-funded joint called "Bethany Christian Services" in Grand Rapids, MI) — go there, surround the building and refuse to leave until the children are reunited with their parents. If these were your kids, that's EXACTLY what you would do. They are your kids.)"

Purplelotuspod 5 June 20

Enjoy being online again!

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Senator Ron Johnson is so sick of hearing from me that he begged HIM to reverse policy on child separation from the parent.


Where are you Michael?

Marine Level 8 June 20, 2018
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